Statistical Analysis Archives - European Journal of Material Sciences

European Journal of Material Sciences

EA Journals

Statistical Analysis

Development of a Suitable Mathematical Model for Predicting Yield Strength (Ys) Of Stainless Steel Weld Joints (Published)

A mathematical model for predicting the yield strength (YS) of TIG welded austenitic stainless steel weld joint was developed. The validity and accuracy of the model was confirmed using deviational and statistical analyses as well as scatter diagram. The maximum deviation between the model-predicted YS values and those obtained from actual experiment was less than 6% in absolute terms and the R2 values were above 90%. Furthermore, the scatter diagram showed that the experimental values and the predicted values lie close to the 45o line.

Keywords: Deviational Analysis, Mathematical model, Scatter Diagram., Statistical Analysis, Yield Strength

Development of a Suitable Mathematical Model for Predicting Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) of Stainless Steel Weld Joints (Published)

A mathematical model for predicting the tensile strength (UTS) of TIG welded austenitic stainless steel weld joint was developed. The validity and accuracy of the model was confirmed using deviational and statistical analyses as well as scatter diagram. The maximum deviation between the model-predicted UTS values and those obtained from actual experiment was less than 1.3% and the R2 values were above 90%. Furthermore, the scatter diagram showed that the experimental values and the predicted values lie close to the 45o line

Keywords: Deviational Analysis, Mathematical model, Scatter Diagram., Statistical Analysis