The Application of Green Supply Chain in Tunisia: Case Study of the Company “Coca-Cola” (Published)
The green supply chain is a key concept in the current context of the fight against climate change and the search for increased sustainability. It encompasses all logistics processes, from production to distribution, by integrating environmentally friendly practices.The green supply chain in Tunisia refers to the integration of environmentally friendly practices in the management of the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. The objective is to reduce the ecological footprint of economic activities while improving the efficiency of logistics processes. This approach is particularly relevant in the context of Tunisia, where sustainable resource management and optimization of industrial processes are growing priorities.The supply chain of Equatorial Coca-Cola Bottling The results of this study show that the adoption of green supply chain management practices at Equatorial Coca-Cola Bottling is part of a gradual process, supported by a strong commitment from senior management and increased awareness among employees. Sustainability is a strategic pillar on which the company’s long-term vision is based.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, COVID-19, Coca-Cola., Green Supply Chain, durable
Factors Influencing Green Supply Chain in the Mining Sector in Ghana (Published)
The concept of green supply chain management (GSCM) is attaining high level significance given that it can help to minimize negative impact of mining activities on the environment and to ensure environmental sustainability. This research was carried out primarily to examine the factors influencing green supply chain management in the mining industry of Ghana. Data was collected using focus group discussion with the experts from the mining companies. Analysis of the data showed that the goods purchased by mining companies have negative effects on the environment. It was also concluded that procurement practices could be used to reduce the negative impacts of the companies’ operation on the environment since the procurement departments of the companies have specific policies geared towards environmentally preferable purchases. The study further established that green procurement influence supplier selection through environmental regulations by Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana, suppliers’ environmental emission among others. The study revealed that the most notable factors influencing green supply chain in the mining companies in Ghana include lack of knowledge and expertise involving green supply chain, lack of awareness of the potential economic benefits of green supply chain, lack of political commitment, lack of the learning capacity to evaluate green supply chain; high cost of environmental programs, ineffective sanction regime for environmental offenders among others. The study recommends that mining companies and its allies should organise joint seminars and workshops to sensitize the staff and suppliers on the benefits of green purchasing and the need to embrace it. The mining industry and EPA should also link up to train their supply/logistics/procurement practitioners on the issues of green procurement /supply chain.
Keywords: Environmental Protection Agency, Ghana, Green Supply Chain, Mining, Procurement