European Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (EJHTR)

EA Journals

Ergonomic Practices on Housekeeper’s Performance in Hotel Operation in Umuahia, Abia –State Nigeria.


This study focusses on the effect of ergonomic practices on housekeeper’s performance in hotel operation in Umuahia, Abia –State Nigeria. The specific objectives were to determine the ergonomic training practices carried out by housekeepers, ascertain the extent in which equipment arrangement in an organization affect housekeepers’ performance and to examine the influence of ergonomic working conditions on housekeeper’s performance. The researchers adopted survey research design. The population of the study comprises of housekeepers of some selected registered hotels in Umuahia metropolis. The sample size for this study was 170 houskeepers and it was statistically determined using Taro Yamane formula. Accessibility sampling technique was use for the study. The researchers made use of well-structured questionnaire in obtaining the needed information from the respondents. To ensure reliability of the instrument, it was subjected to Cronbach Alpha reliability test. Simple descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentage, mean and standard deviation was used to analyze respondents’ personal data and research questions while regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. The findings showed that the mean ratings of the relationship between ergonomic working conditions and housekeeper’s performance was 0.824 and significant at 10%. The study conclude that ergonomics practices play a significant role in improving the performance of housekeepers in hotels. Hotels should promote safe practices in the housekeeping department by facilitating training programs to ensure correct steps are followed at work.


Keywords: Equipment, Hotels, ergonomics, housekeepers

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