European Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (EJHTR)

EA Journals

Exploring Dark Tourism: Cognitive and Affective Perceived Value On Destination Image in Czech Republic


This study used cognitive-affective-conative theory to examine the perceived values of dark tourism destinations, focusing on four constructs: dark experience, emotional experience, learning experience, and casual interest. A sample of 100 participants was analysed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to establish the reliability and validity of the measurement model. Structural equation modelling was then employed to explore the relationships between the CAC model and dark tourism constructs. Findings indicate that young tourists are intrigued by dark experiences involving paranormal activity and seek knowledge, influencing their travel choices based on personal beliefs and preferences. However, emotional experience does not show significant support, suggesting that younger generations view historical sites as educational resources rather than forming emotional connections. Casual interest also does not significantly contribute to developing a dark tourism destination image, as sightseers and passive recreational travellers seek an escape from daily life rather than dark tourism experiences. Dark experience emerges as the most influential construct, followed by the learning experience. The study recognises the limitations of focusing on students and suggests future research should encompass a broader range of societal members and investigate motivations for visiting dark tourism sites with varying degrees of darkness. Overall, this study provides valuable insights for dark tourism practitioners and suggests avenues for further research in the field.

Keywords: Dark Tourism; cognitive values; affective values; motivation; cognitive-affective-conative theory; destination image

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