European Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (EJHTR)

EA Journals


Tourism Marketing in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Advertising and Public Relations in Perspective (Published)

Tourism is a very complex industry because of its multi-faceted activities which together produce the ‘tourist product’, and also because of the various subsectors that are in themselves industries, if considered independently. Its complexity lies in the tourism promotion in its various forms directed at large number of people in various lands of different socio-economic structures, having different needs, expectations and behavior patterns. Tourism competition is constantly growing as more and more destinations seek to attract tourists and more companies and organizations become involved in highly skilled business of destination planning, transportation, accommodation and catering for the tourists. Apart from the enormous oil and gas in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, it is endowed with a lot of festivals and cultural events that are tourist attractions, which qualifies it as a tourism destination; and exploring them would add to the socio-economic development of the area. One of such is the Amakama wonder tree and Ibeno beach, a subset of the Niger Delta.  The numerous tourism potentials it exhibits indicate that it is a money spinner if adequately explored. This paper, anchored on Public Relations model and source credibility theory, relied on library and archival sources as methods to identify and highlight the tourism components in the Akamaka wonder tree and Ibeno beach as well as suggested steps that could be taken to boost the potentials inherent as a tourism product. The study concluded that despite the human activities and disruption of nature, strict measures should be taken to protect this tourist destination for development because both local and foreign investors would be attracted to the area to invest their money. We, therefore, recommended that adequate security measures should be put in place and enhanced for potential tourists, and more money should be allocated to the culture and tourism sector in the annual budgets of the states in the region, among others.

Keywords: Niger-Delta, Tourism, Tourism Marketing., advertising and public relations

Assessing the Relationship Between Infrastructural Development and Tourism Destination Competitiveness: Evidence from Nigeria (Published)

The travel and tourism industry is considered one of the growth sectors of the Nigerian economy. As a result, the government is looking to diversify the economy that is currently dependent on crude oil by harnessing the tourism potential in the country. That said, many factors lead to tourism development and destination competitiveness. One such factor is infrastructural development. This study, therefore, focuses on the effect of infrastructural development on destination competitiveness using Nigeria as a case study.  The study made use of secondary data from various publications of the World Bank, World Economic Forum and United Nations World Tourism Organisation. Regression analysis was applied to assess the effect of infrastructure on international tourist arrivals, while Pearson Correlation was applied to understand the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The findings show that various forms of infrastructural development in Nigeria had negative effects on the number of international tourists visiting the country. Visitors expect easy access to destinations either by road, air or sea, as well as information communication technology. When a country lacks infrastructure, it affects the number of visitors arriving in the country negatively. The study concludes that the findings can contribute to the limited literature on destination competitiveness and help to guide policymaking in the future.

Keywords: Infrastructure, Nigeria, Tourism, destination competitiveness

Birth of tourism in southern Sardinia Santa Margherita di Pula (Published)

The topic of tourism is gaining more and more importance from the scientific point of view, there are now several papers dealing with it, so it seemed appropriate to present an essay on the history of tourism in Sardinia. Therefore, this contribution aims to describe the phenomenon of tourism, its birth and development in the south of the island particularly in the southwest coast, that of Santa Margherita di Pula. The study has been carried out through the analysis of existing literature, trade, custom and society newspapers – which offer a glimpse of life on the Island between 1960 and 1980 – documents preserved in the few historical archives of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, and also through the use of oral sources, used to make up for the dearth of certain sources.

Citation: Locci  E. (2022) Birth of tourism in southern Sardinia Santa Margherita di Pula, European Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, Vol.10, No.3, pp., 13-22

Keywords: Environment, Santa Margherita di Pula, Sardinia, Tourism

Organizational Mindfulness: Imperative for Effectiveness in an Era of Change in the Tourism Industry (Published)

This paper discusses the role of organizational mindfulness as a basis for effectiveness during change events or situations which may have possible negative impacts on the wellbeing and operations of the Tourism Industry. The concerns of the paper captured the conceptualization of mindfulness as an organizational level concept, and its application within the context of the social learning theory. Thus the objectives of the paper bothered on the implications of organizational mindfulness based on the social learning theory, the conceptualization of both concepts – organizational mindfulness and effectiveness, and the role of organizational mindfulness in the actualization of effectiveness within the context of the change – such as that necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic.  A position was established based on literature review, on the imperatives of considerations in the viability of change actions. It was thereupon concluded that mindfulness at the organizational level is vital for addressing the change behaviour and goals of the organization and as such necessary for sustaining the functions of Tourism organizations during change related situations or events; thereby  enhancing the effectiveness of organization.

Citation: Obiora, Judipat Nkiru (2021) Organizational Mindfulness: Imperative for Effectiveness in an Era of Change in the Tourism Industry, European Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, Vol.9, No.4, pp.1-10

Keywords: COVID-19, Effectiveness, Organizational Change, Tourism, mindfulness, social cognitive theory

Promoting Hospitality and Tourism Through Library and Information Services in the 21st Century (Published)

This paper focused on the promotion of hospitality and tourism activities through provision of library services. Information as a resource is valuable for businesses and individuals alike as we rely on good information to complete daily activities. Libraries are means of access to information, ideas and works of imagination. Library and information services are key actors in providing unhindered access to essential resources for hospitality and tourism advancement. The paper highlights essential library and information services to promote hospitality and tourism industries. The services in this category through the library that are expected to be useful in the hospitality industry include: provision of guides in form of maps, directories, biographies, etc, referral services (providing answers to client”s questions), entertainment (recreational facilities like provision of traditional games, toys, etc). The services highlighted are expected to be potentials for hospitality and tourism development in the 21st century

Keywords: Hospitality, Libraries, Tourism, information service., information use

The COVID 19 Global Pandemic: A Panacea for Diversifying to Hospitality and Tourism in Nigeria (Published)

The COVID 19 global pandemic has provided Nations another opportunity to look inwards on the development and expansion of its economic activities and growth! The hospitality and tourism industry has proven to be one of the most valid sectors for diversification of economic activities in Nigeria, considering the continuous dropping of crude price in the international market, and the fast growing demand on the bio-fuel products in the world today! The researchers are of the opinion that developing the hospitality and tourism in Nigeria is one of the most viable options to continuously increase the Nations GDP! The realistic test and interviews were conducted and presented in simple percentage table, and graphs were also deployed to show the reliability of the test! It was concluded that hospitality and tourism still remain the most viable economic activity and sector that will always stand the challenges of time, if properly developed! And was recommended that the government and agencies in charge of tourism and hospitality should fully divert its attention to the development of the hospitality and tourism sector in Nigeria

Keywords: Diversification, Hospitality, Nigeria, Tourism, global pandemic

The vision of tourist guides to the profession of tourism in terms of economic in Jordan (Published)

The study aims to know the direction of the prosecution’s tour to the professional guide of tourism from an economic and in Jordan. Hence the study to see the look of the prosecution’s tour to the professional guide of tourism from an economic and in Jordan and you can develop this skill in the future because of their essential role in the process of Tourism. The study found a range of results, the most important being that there is a significant relationship between seeing the prosecution’s tour to the professional guide of tourism from an economic and in Jordan and job and monthly income, the study recommended a set of recommendations the most important stakeholders work to improve the economic reality of the counseling profession tourist disbursement of bonuses For be suitable for its work, and to encourage the tourist guide the amount, the need to actually improve job skills of tourist guides, and facilitate the work of the tourist guide.

Keywords: Career, Economic, Tourism, tour guides

Tourism Workers and the Most Prominent Problems with Tourists (Published)

The aim of the research is to develop a vision for the professional work of the workers in the tourism sector and highlight their problems with tourists. A number of controls work to regulate the behavior of workers in the tourism sector, taking into account the traditions and customs of the profession. Some negative behaviors may occur from some workers in the tourism sector due to some misconduct of some tourists The study is conducted on the employees of tourism, and distributed 150 questionnaires, of which (130) returned a questionnaire It was excluded (30) questionnaires, so relied on (100). The study found a number of results, the most important of which are problems between the workers in tourism and tourists due to the gender variable, and there are problems between the workers in tourism and tourists due to the variable age. The study recommended the following: To spread tourism awareness among the tourism workers with the importance of developing a language and career development by organizing lectures, seminars, conferences, institutions, governmental and non-governmental bodies. Providing tourist training courses for all employees in tourism and giving them courses in different languages in cooperation with colleges and institutes of tourism and hotels

Keywords: Language, Tourism, Tourists, workers

Up-grading and Enhancing Sustainable Linkages of Rwanda’s Tourism Value Chains: Opportunities and Bottlenecks (Published)

The Rwandan government’s Economic Development and Poverty Reduction S4trategy II (EDPRS 2, 2013-2018) highlights enhancement of connectivity and linkages within the country’s economy as one of the priority areas for economic transformation. In the highlights, emphasis is put on the need for deepening the integration of key value chains of the economy. After a comprehensive analysis of Rwanda’s global competitiveness, tourism was identified as one of the key sectors that would spur economic development in the country. Important as it is, however, the linkage of this sector to the rest of the economy was found to be weak and hence compromises on its ability to deliver on certain targets as expected. This paper thus identifies opportunities as well as the bottlenecks within tourism value chains in Rwanda and recommends possible solutions. A questionnaire survey was used to obtain data related to visitor expenditure, targeting visitors at land border points and Kigali International airport. Focus group discussions were also conducted in gathering data on value chains analysis and identification of intervention programs that would remove any bottlenecks in the system.

Keywords: Bottlenecks, Rwanda, Tourism, Value Chains, opportunities

Domestic Tourism: Untapped Opportunities for Sāmoa (With Special Reference to Accommodation Providers) (Published)

Tourism is both a key contributor to the economy of Sāmoa  and the leading source of foreign exchange. The seasonal nature of tourism is particularly detrimental to the accommodation sector. In many countries, the development of domestic tourism is actively promoted as it plays a vital part in tourism sustainability. Sāmoa however, like many other countries appear to be overlooking the potentials of domestic tourism in their development and tourism strategies. The present study uses secondary data and case studies to examine the advantages and opportunities created by domestic tourism. Secondary data found that the key areas of focus highlighted in the Strategy for the Development of Sāmoa SDS) 2005-2007, 2008-2012, Sāmoa Tourism Development Plan (STDP) 2009-2013, Sāmoa Tourism Sector Plan (STSP) 2014-2019, and Sāmoa Tourism Strategic Marketing Plan (STSMP) 2014-2019, indicate that domestic tourism development is not a key focus of tourism development. Using Talanoa research method (TRM), primary data was collected from 20 stakeholders in the tourism industry. Using Thematic Analysis, it was found that there were a mixture of views for and against the development of domestic tourism in Sāmoa.

Keywords: Development, Domestic tourism, Sāmoa., Tourism

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