European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies (EJELLS)

EA Journals

Implementing Metalinguistic Corrective Feedback Technique in Teaching Writing Skill of Indonesian EFL Learner

Ammang Latifa


This research attempts to increase the writing skill of the fifth-semester students to write a narrative essay. The most problem faced by students, such as their writing was not comprehensible, and there were still many errors in vocabulary, grammar, and spelling. Since writing is a complex activity, it requires students’ comprehensive abilities such as mastering grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation (Huy, 2015). This study applied mix-method design. The samples were Indonesian learner from State Islamic Institute of Religion, Parepare, Indonesia. The finding of this revealed that the students’ writing skills improved significantly. It was showed by the mean score of the pre-test was 67.33, and the post-test was 86.30. It showed that the use of the Metalinguistic corrective feedback technique could increase the students’ writing skill of Narrative essay

Citation: Ammang Latifa (2022) Implementing Metalinguistic Corrective Feedback Technique in Teaching Writing Skill of Indonesian EFL Learner, European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, Vol.10, No.4, pp.64-73

Keywords: Narrative Essay, metalinguistic corrective feedback, writing skill

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