European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies (EJELLS)

EA Journals


The Issues of English Literature in South Sudan: An Analytical of Five Articles Published on Line in Four Selected Schools and University of Juba (Published)

English Literature deterioration in Sudan and South Sudan is due to inconstant education policy by precious governments. It has been observing that they are lacking interest and commitment to learn and teaching Literature at the secondary level. There are claims that students and lectures are not contributing extensively in African Literature and World Literature. The causes for lecturers, are attribute to low salaries, demotivation, lack of internet connectivity, unregular payment of the salaries, lack of accommodation and transport. The reasons of graduate students of Language and literature are related to incompetence and uninterest in producing literary works such as poetry, drama, fiction and non-fiction. The third causes for lectures were attributed to teaching in numerous universities, in order to generate more payments to cater for their family’s needs. The critics and analysts argued that the students are not sponsored by the government in order to learn and teach at the secondary schools. The study explores the two groups; the first group think that English Literature is dying in South Sudan since there are no more literary works produced in South Sudan. The second group disagrees that English is not dying since English Language is an official language in South Sudan.

Keywords: Dying, Uninterested, declining, demotivation, unpopular, unregular salaries.

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