European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies (EJELLS)

EA Journals


Landscape in The Scarlet Letter (Published)

Nathaniel Hawthorn was a man of imaginative sense with moral experiences. He is one of the earliest writers of America who contributes on American literature from his real experience of American Puritan society, culture, and their geographical existence. He made a real effort to understand the history of New England and attempts to show culture, society norms and nature of his country in writing. The natural landscape gives real pleasure to a romantic and nature loving reader. Landscape is very important and can focus the suspense of the story symbolically. It also can focus on the emotional crisis and mental support to the characters of the text and also the readers. My paper describes the natural landscape in details and shows how Hawthorn used it in The Scarlet Letter. It also shows landscapes’ influence on its inhabitants. The focus of my essay will be on the nature, and emotions and feelings directed toward it by dwellers, and how the real natural world can be protector or savior to them. To me, reading Hawthorn means reading and knowing the real American nature and its influence on people. In his The Scarlet Letter we find a collection of sketches dealing with English scenery, life and manners. He was able to show Salem Customs house, seventeenth-century Boston, wooden prison, rosebush, forest, stream, and other natural and geographical existences of New England his to readers. I have found the real American pictures in The Scarlet Letter which make me feel that I am in America while reading the text. I think other foreign readers, like me, will get the same feelings. So to say, my paper will help understand Landscape, Nature, American culture, their influence and, as a result understand Hawthorne.

Keywords: Culture, Landscape, Nature, forest walk.

Spiritual Quest through Nature: A study of Kuntala Kumari Sabat’s poem ‘Ode to the Jasmine’ (Published)

Kuntala Kumari Sabat (1901–1938), popularly known as Utkal Bharati, is one of key poets from Odisha, india.In her poems we find a spiritual quest via nature. Her vision and viewpoint of life get reflected in the lines of her poetry. As a true lover of nature, she finds beauty everywhere, may it be a faded flower, a twisted tree or zigzag river. She considers nature as a wonderful design by God which reserves vigor to endure as long as life survives. Omnipresence of divinity and connectivity with God vide communion with nature boosts her spiritual quest in many of her poems. In the present paper beautiful lines on nature with spirituality having deep inner implication have been explored. Through the poem, an attempt has also been made to reveal her devotion towards humanity as a whole. The poem, originally written in Odia, has been translated into English by the researcher herself.

Citation: Anjali Sahoo (2022) Spiritual Quest through Nature: A study of Kuntala Kumari Sabat’s poem ‘Ode to the Jasmine’, European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, Vol.10, No.2, pp.72-80


Keywords: Kuntala Kumari Sabat, Nature, Spirituality, humanity

Romantic Poets Love Nature and Celebrate It in Different Aspects (Published)

This study shedding light on the nature of romanticism in English literature. This study shows the great impact of nature on English romantic poets. The movement of English romanticism has a great influence on English literature. So the study would like to show the role of the famous English romantic poets like SHELLY & KEATS, in adoring nature through poetry. It concluded that the English romantic poets who were influenced widely by nature have affected their literary product English poetry as well as adore nature and produce fantastic verses of poetry. It serves as a mirror which reflects all the humanistic activities in people social life. Their outlook on life, their ideas, emotions, and traditions. Poetry is one of the branches of English literature. It has been defined Wordsworth as the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings or the expression of imagination. Elfar (2010) mentioned according to Robert Frost, poetry is a rhythmical composition of words expressing an attitude, designed to surprise and delight and to arouse an emotional response (Kennedy, 1978:5), poetry is a rhythmical composition of words expressing an attitude designed to surprise and delight, and to arouse an emotional response.

Keywords: Nature, Romanticism, nightingale, skylark

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