European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies (EJELLS)

EA Journals


Socio-Environmental Factors and Dehumanization of the Individual in Twists of Fate by Gichaba Nyantino (Published)

This paper examines how Gichaba Nyantino, in Twists of Fate, captures dehumanizing effects of contemporary developments in Kenyan society. The paper explores how the author depicts the urban city socio-environment as a backdrop that offers individuals opportunities to navigate through the twists of life in the modern Kenyan society. The study engaged a theoretical framework that embraces psychoanalytic, formalism and cultural theories. The primary methodology of the study involved a close literary analysis of the text, Twists of Fate. An analysis of the thoughts of the characters as presented by the author was key to understanding the extent of dehumanization. Socio-environmental factors of humanization differ from one social set-up to another. In this case, there are different ways in which people get frustrated in varied social institutions. Nyantino’s Twists of the Fate reflects the factors that affect the youths today in the contemporary society, especially in Africa, particularly within the Kenyan society. The youth are the most prone or vulnerable to the challenges of urban centres like drug abuse, robbery, peer pressure, poverty, mugging, crime and the like. The author focuses on issues that the youths grapple with. Lack of dialogue in the family set up has led to falling out among family members and the disintegration of the family and society at large. In this case, Yuna and Maria, due to misunderstanding, develop a conflict that draws them apart. Yuna’s life later is ruined due to the demeaning situations or twists of fate that she encounters.

Keywords: Dehumanization, Gichaba Nyantino, Individual, Socio-Environmental Factors, Twists of Fate

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