European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies (EJELLS)

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Frequency of the misuse of prepositions by Albanian students: A case study with first year students studying Greek, Italian and German at the Faculty of Foreign Languages (Published)

This study looks at English prepositions and the challenges that students learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) encounter in mastering them. The purpose of this study is to describe the problems Albanian students studying English have in discovering out how to use prepositions correctly. Examples of preposition misuse are taken from the descriptive essays submitted by Albanian students at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Foreign Languages. We acknowledge that inappropriate use of prepositions was one of the ten most common errors observed in the collected corpus of essays based on the findings of the study conducted with students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. The findings suggest that Albanian students studying English as a foreign language have difficulty using prepositions correctly. Prepositions are the most frequently misused part of speech. By, at, in, on, to, of, and for were the most often misused prepositions.

Citation: Ogerta Koruti Stroka (2022) Frequency of the misuse of prepositions by Albanian students: A case study with first year students studying Greek, Italian and German at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, Vol.10, No.8, pp.22-32

Keywords: Albanian students, Frequency, German, Greek, Italian, first year students, foreign languages, misuse of prepositions

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