European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies (EJELLS)

EA Journals


Cultural Hegemony and the Teaching of Global English Language: Indian Perspective (Published)

Globalization has manifold implications and importance. From Political to financial from trade and commerce to culture and social behaviour. The post globalized world has seen the cultural invasion of America and Europe in various ways. One of the prominent ways of this cultural invasion is the supreme importance of the English language. They have made the English language their medium of cultural dissemination resulting into the supremacy of the occidental culture in oriental countries. Through language culture is spread and through culture their literature, music, food, lifestyle everything is spread and makes room for billion-dollar business. This paper aims at finding the roots of Cultural Hegemony of the west through the teaching of American English in the guise of Global English.

Citatuon: Lilack Biswas (2022) Cultural Hegemony and the Teaching of Global English Language: Indian Perspective, European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, Vol.10, No.5, pp.1-9

Keywords: Culture, English language teaching, Globalization, cultural hegemony, global English, transnational English

Amitav Ghosh’s “history” is a threshold in Re-Constructing National and Cultural Identity: A Study (Published)

As is well-known, history is often shaped by the socio-political perspectives of the Colonizers and therefore, the narratives generated by colonial history must utilize both the author’s imagination and empirical or factual research to create a broader view of historical reality. Amitav Ghosh, one of the most promising Indian writers writing in English has amazingly blended “history” with fiction which is profoundly attached to the re-construction of identity of the people in our postcolonial world. Indeed, one of the important concerns of historical reconstruction in modern third world literature is re-imagining the cultural cartography through the re-formation of national and cultural identities in the wake of emerging nation-states in the post imperial era. This paper clearly indicates how colonial history is incisively connected to the question of reforming national and cultural identity in today’s postcolonial reality.

Keywords: Globalization, Postcolonialism, east-west trope, geographical boundary, history, national and cultural identity

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