European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies (EJELLS)

EA Journals

Double Consciousness

Displacement and Inner Conflict in Abdulrazak Gurnah’s Memory of Departure and by the Sea (Published)

Abdulrazak Gurnah (1948- ), a Tanzanian-born British penman and emeritus professor, is one of the harbingers of tr1acing the fates of the refugees. He enormously depicts the conventional scenario of the refugees and the asylum-seekers in his novels Memory of Departure and By the Sea. Gurnah pens the feelings of displacement and inner conflict in the psyche of the individuals who try to cross the edge of an ajar door toward liberty. It is evident that Gurnah’s characters aspire for decolonization but cannot transgress the boundaries of colonial temperament due to the predicaments of displacement and inner conflict. The characters are traumatized in such a way that they consider themselves refugees and asylum-seekers in an independent country. Thus, this paper argues that due to the irresolute mind, Gurnah’s characters struggle to resolve the matter of acceptance or the rejection of colonial attitudes, which creates a sense of displacement and, ultimately, leads the characters towards oscillation and inner conflict.

Citation:  Ahmed I. and Jahan N. (2023)   Displacement and Inner Conflict in Abdulrazak Gurnah’s, Memory of Departure and by the Sea, European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, Vol.11, No.2, pp.49-60

Keywords: Colonialism, Displacement, Double Consciousness, Other, ambivalence, inner conflict

Issue of Identity and Double Consciousness in A Colonized Nation: An Analysis of Ali’s “Twilight in Delhi” (Published)

The aim of this research is to represent the nostalgic condition of Indians being faced as the result of colonization. It throws light on the issue how colonized Indians become the victim of double consciousness between the original identity inherited from their ancestors and westernized identity attained through the mimicry of western colonizers. The issue of identity and double consciousness, a sub-category of postcolonial theory, is used as theoretical framework in this research. Bhabha uses the word “hybridity” in order to explain the conflict of identity in colonized people. In Ali’s Twilight in Delhi the character of Asghar suffers from such nostalgic situation due to the clash between his parental and western identity.

Keywords: Colonial, Double Consciousness, Identity Crisis, Nostalgia, Twilight in Delhi