European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies (EJELLS)

EA Journals

Enhancing Secondary Education Landscape: Case of English Clubs


This paper investigates how education quality in secondary schools can be improved connecting schools to educational landscapes. The peculiar attention is on English clubs as the focus is the enhancement of secondary school learners’ competences in the English language. The competences related to here are the ones gained outside the classroom framework. Documentary and qualitative techniques have been used for the achievement of this investigation. Examining literature, it comes out that there is close link between education landscapes and education quality in secondary schools. It is also seen that English clubs in communities enhance learners’ competences in English as pupils attending such clubs develop competences than those who do not attend

Keywords: Education, English club, Landscape, Secondary School, competences

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Impact Factor: 7.23
Print ISSN: 2055-0138
Online ISSN: 2055-0146

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