European Journal of Educational and Development Psychology (EJEDP)

EA Journals


Examining Adolescent Resilience Through MBSA-CR+ (Published)

This research investigates the effectiveness of an MBSA-CR8 intervention on enhancing adolescent resilience in Indonesia. Pretest and post-test analyses indicate a significant reduction in stress levels and substantial improvements in resilience and mindfulness following the intervention. The regression analysis underscores the central role of resilience in predicting positive outcomes, emphasizing its impact on their resilience. These findings align with existing research, highlighting the need to address resilience challenges among Indonesian adolescents. The study contributes valuable insights, suggesting that interventions fostering resilience can effectively mitigate stress and enhance overall well-being. This research provides actionable guidance for educators and policymakers seeking to support the psychological health of adolescents in educational settings, especially during challenging circumstances such as the pandemic.

Keywords: overconceptualisation, overextension, overimitation, overregularisation

The Formation of Scientific Conceptions in Early Childhood: A Result of “Over”-Development? (Published)

Conceptual development in the scientific domain initiates at an early stage, leading to the emergence of “overthinking” in the form of mis- and alternative conceptions. This contribution aims to delve deeper into the origins of scientific misconceptions by examining the parallels found in three other areas of early learning characterised by an overapplication of rules: overextension, overregularisation, and overimitation. One prominent characteristic shared by these is the presence of U-shaped trajectories, indicating an initial simplicity, followed by an overapplication of rules, and eventually leading to a more sophisticated understanding. It is evident that both linguistic and non-linguistic forms of overdevelopment interact and influence each other. Language, specifically the role of dialogue, assumes particular significance in both formal and informal educational settings. Conversations and dialogue, whether in the formal classroom or during everyday interactions, play a crucial role in shaping children’s understanding and facilitating conceptual change. By engaging in meaningful conversations, children can challenge and refine their existing conceptions, allowing for a more accurate and nuanced understanding of scientific principles.


Keywords: overconceptualisation, overextension, overimitation, overregularisation

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