European Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (EJCSIT)

EA Journals

A Secure Web-based Result Computation and Transcript Processing System for Federal Polytechnic Ukana


In this era of digital transformation, educational establishments must manage student records effectively while maintaining data security. This work describes how Federal Polytechnic Ukanadeveloped a safe, web-based transcript and results computation system by utilizing Agile methodology, which improved responsiveness and flexibility throughout the project. Iterative development, which allowed for constant feedback and quick adjustments to requirements that changed, was made possible by the Agile methodology. Ensuring data integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility, the system is designed to make managing academic records easier. It has an intuitive interface for both administrators and students withrole-based access control, secure authentication procedures, and data encryption to stop illegal access and data breaches are important parts of the system. The system’s design, implementation, and potential advantages in terms of improved data security and operational efficiency are all covered in this paper. The system’s successful implementation at Federal Polytechnic Ukana indicates that it can be scaled up to meet the needs of educational institutions looking to enhance their result management procedures.

Keywords: Security, agile software development methodology, result computation, transcript

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Impact Factor: 7.80
Print ISSN: 2054-0957
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