European Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (EJCSIT)

EA Journals

Uptake of Enterprise 2.0


IT and new-networked business structures are removing the sources of friction, producing major dimensions of change that affect every firm and its operations (Tapscott, 2008). They have constantly thrown at us new buzz phrases; the thresholds of dramatic shift in ways firms organize, innovate, and create values. IT infrastructures have become democratized by the Internet; people no longer consume and convey information alone but also create and share contents with others on the Web, be it textual, aural, or visual. The use of Web, which extends to websites, B2B, B2C and e-business application, has made it imperative for organizations to conduct their business and e-business over the Internet. As new ITs such as Enterprise 2.0 emerge, organizations device new strategies and directions to utilize the web to reach out their customers and business partners. Organizations develop new and innovative ways of doing business and react positively to their customers. They often adapt and rely on enterprise systems as its accompanying budget cuts affect travels, marketing expenses, capital investments, and staffing levels (McKinnon, 2009). This theoretical paper builds on existing body of knowledge on Enterprise 2.0 to expand its understanding and applicability by SMEs.

Keywords: Development, SMEs, Uptake of Enterprise 2.0

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