European Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (EJCSIT)

EA Journals


The Role of the Greek Term Techné in the Area of Today’s Government of Information Technology and Technological Progress (Published)

This paper will show the significance of the Greek term techné, in today’s world of technique and technology. In this direction, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the mentioned term as a fundamental term that gives meaning to today’s term technique. In addition, the term techné, shows the meaning of the terms originally associated with it, namely knowledge, technique and intelligence. The main goal of the research here is to show that the concept of, techné, in addition to being one of the fundamental concepts of philosophy, is a concept whose meaning we must understand if we want to successfully approach understanding the phenomenon of today, i.e., the rule of information technology and technological progress. All of the above means returning to the source of the term techné, and Martin Heidegger’s idea of the technique, which is the question that preoccupies everyone on the planet today.

Keywords: Intelligence, Knowledge, phenomenology, technique, techné

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