European Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (EJCSIT)

EA Journals

generative AI

Enhancing Resilience Posture in Banking Security Through Generative AI: Predictive, Proactive, and Adaptive Strategies (Published)

This research explores the transformative potential of generative artificial intelligence in enhancing banking security resilience. Through a mixed-methods approach combining quantitative simulations and qualitative assessments, we demonstrate how generative AI models can significantly improve vulnerability detection, incident response times, and business continuity planning. Our findings indicate a 30% improvement in vulnerability detection and a 45% reduction in recovery times, suggesting that AI-driven approaches represent a paradigm shift in banking security frameworks. The study provides a comprehensive framework for implementing generative AI solutions while addressing practical challenges and ethical considerations.

Keywords: Resilience, adaptive strategies, banking security, generative AI, predictive analytics, vulnerability detection

Navigating the Ethical Dilemma of Generative AI in Higher Educational Institutions in Nigeria using the TOE Framework (Published)

Generative AI tools stand at the threshold of innovation and the erosion of the long-standing values of creativity, critical thinking, authorship, and research in higher education. This research crafted a novel framework from the technology, organization, and environment (TOE) framework to guide higher educational institutions in Nigeria to navigate the ethical dilemma of generative AI. A questionnaire was used to collect data from twelve higher institutions among lecturers, students, and researchers across the six (6) geopolitical zones of Nigeria. The structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data using the SPPS Amos version 23.  The results revealed that factors such as perceived risks of generative AI, Curriculum support, institutional policy, and perceived generative AI trends positively impact the need for a generative AI ethical framework in higher educational institutions in Nigeria. Furthermore, the study contributes to the adoption of theory to navigate the ethical dilemma in the use of generative AI tools in higher educational institutions in Nigeria. It also provides some practical implications that suggest the importance of inculcating ethical discussions into the curriculum as part of institutional policy to create awareness and guidance on the use of generative AI. 

Keywords: AI ethics, Higher Education, TOE framework., ethical framework, generative AI

AI vs. AI: The Digital Duel Reshaping Fraud Detection (Published)

In the evolving landscape of financial security, a new battlefront has emerged: synthetic identity fraud powered by Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI). This paper examines the high-stakes digital duel between fraudsters wielding GAI and the adaptive defense mechanisms of financial institutions. The paper explores how GAI-created synthetic identities challenge traditional fraud detection paradigms with convincing backstories, digital footprints, and AI-generated images. These artificial personas’ unprecedented scale and sophistication threaten to overwhelm existing security infrastructures, potentially compromising the integrity of financial systems and identity verification frameworks. Our analysis reveals large-scale synthetic identity campaigns’ far-reaching economic implications and disruptive potential across multiple sectors. It also investigates cutting-edge countermeasures, including adversarial machine learning, real-time anomaly detection, and multi-modal data analysis techniques. As this technological arms race intensifies, the paper concludes by proposing future research directions and emphasizing the critical need for collaborative initiatives to stay ahead in this ever-evolving digital battlefield.

Keywords: Cybersecurity, Fraud Detection, generative AI, machine learning, synthetic identities

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