European Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (EJCSIT)

EA Journals

food classification

Development of Models by Energy Expended and Age Classifications for Diet Recommendation System (Published)

People today are more conscious of their health and constantly looking for methods to improve their health status. Due to the unavailability and inaccessibility of dieticians to recommend diet, people do not know how to plan their diet well, thereby people’s health are compromised because of unbalanced diet and misappropriation of diet.  There is need to develop models that recommend diet on various classifications on the basis of energy expended daily and age. The models are mathematically represented using arithmetic expressions on different classifications: Energy expended or job/activities, health status, family size and age. The models use the rule-based statements to proffer solution to diet problems. In employing the technology, the models were implemented using a programming tool like PhP etc The DRS can be deployed on the World Wide Web and be allowed to be used by the general public for a healthy diet. The Diet Recommendation System (DRS) creates and increases people’s awareness and assist them in receiving appropriate counsel as to the quantity of food, food types, time to take food, the appropriate food for certain age group, the balanced diet for a family size, the kind of food type according to the activities a person engages in.

Keywords: Models, dietician, food classification, recommendation system

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