Steam Package Boiler Expert System for Control and Maintenance of Fertilizer Plants using Rule-Base Fuzzy Logic (Published)
Generally, expert systems have been found very useful branch of artificial intelligence that makes extensive use of specialized knowledge to solve complex problems and even in fertilizer plants it has been deployed in handling operations in critical sections, such as material handling systems, online leak detection systems, granulation, air compressor among others. This paper presents research work for steam package boiler expert system for control and maintenance of fertilizer plants using rule-base fuzzy logic hybrid system, which has not been benefited much from expert system. The system handles cause of boiler failures in terms of controlling and maintaining the functional chemical components of the boiler drum and feed water parameters. validation on the system consistency, correctness, and its precision with six (6) steam package boiler parameters test value cases was conducted involving fourteen (14) fertilizer plant boiler domain partitioners. The boiler drum and feed water qualities with less or higher test value worst-cases validates the boiler system, showing each of the parameter’s bar turns red, as displayed on the boiler’s panel, while on test value best-cases, validates the system, displaying green on the boiler’s panel as users entered the right value of parameters per the design specification. We discovered that from 1 to 10 minutes run time for auto system run gives 10.8% errors as compared from 1 to 10 minutes time interval on manual system run that gives 80.2% error, this results to less effort in user interface application usage on auto operations better than manual. The expert system prevents damaged and malfunctioning as control the alkalinity, prevent scaling, both mechanical & chemical corrosion, forming, correct pH values and then the conductivity which deals with the feed boiler water and monitored the level in the boiler drum using the industry measurement parameters (pressure, temperature, level, and flow).
Keywords: Expert System, Fuzzy Logic, dynamic simulation, rule-base system, steam package boilers
Application of Expert System for Diagnosing Medical Conditions: A Methodological Review (Published)
Naturally, human diseases should be treated on time; otherwise the patients might die if there is delay in attending to such patient or scarcity of medical practitioners’ or experts. Several attempts have been made through studies to design and built software based medical expert systems for probing and prognosis of several medical conditions using artificial and non-artificial based approaches for patients and medical facilities. This paper represents a comprehensive methodological review of existing medical expert systems used for diagnosis of various diseases based on the increasing demand of expert systems to support the human experts. The study provides a concise evaluation of the various techniques used such as rule-based, fuzzy, artificial neural networks and intelligent hybrid models. The rule-based techniques is not too efficient based on its inability to learn and require powerful search strategies for its knowledge-base; while the fuzzy or ANN models are less efficient when compared to the hybrid models that can give a more accurate results.
Keywords: AI, ANN, Expert System, Fuzzy Logic, Intelligent hybrid model, Rule-based
Ontology and Expert System Based Intervention, for Psychological Consultation (Published)
“Stress” is mostly an invisible aspect of a human being. Yet some of the outcomes might be visible to the external world, as behavioral changes, attributed changes or symptoms of some physical ailments, such as headaches, insomnia, loose motion and etc. There is high potential, a healthy human can be a victim of stress, but the other side is, in Sri Lanka, we do have extremely limited amount of trained psychologists and psychiatrists. This will lead to a situation as such, per a consultant, excess amount of patients, which will make the informational overload for the consultants too much and ultimately making them emotionally fatigue and may cause to degrade the diagnosis quality. The intension of this paper is to see, how ICT based assistance can be utilized to introduce a process oriented mechanism, which will be capable in long run to control some aspects of these unforeseen problems.
Keywords: Expert System, Internal-Self-Talk; Ontology; Pos Tagging; Cbt; Ocean Model