European Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (EJCSIT)

EA Journals

average time

Development of Models for Ticketing in Public Transportation System in Nigeria (Published)

Transportation is a system that humans use to carrying out their day-to-day activities. In the bid to do activities, transportation by any means has to be used. In the public transportation system, they use the manual or traditional method to process ticketing. This causes many flaws such as long queues, communication gap, miscalculation of tickets, improper records of commuters’ information etc. For commuters to gain a convenient platform for bus reservations, real-time information updates, and a smoother experience; and for the companies to benefit from automated reservations, improved communication, and data-driven insights for better decision- making, there is need to develop a model for ticketing in public transportation system. The models for ticketing in urban transportation system have methods that involve pricing algorithm and route algorithm where scaling factors and user capacity planning models are calculated. With the introduction of the ticketing model in transportation system, existing challenges in urban mobility are revolutionized. The intersection of technology and transportation are positioned in such a way that the model seeks to enhance the overall commuter experience seamlessly by integrating reservation processes, real-time updates, amount payable, time and date of travels and communication between branches. The study envisions a shift towards a more accessible, efficient, and user-centred urban transportation system. It represents a transformative catalyst in transportation system especially by land/roads which are being used by automobiles (buses, cars, tricycle etc).

Keywords: Model, Transportation, average time, route optimization

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