The study explores the application effect of nursing initiatives and rehabilitation guidance on the clinical care of patients with triple ankle fractures, and to lay the foundation for the development of triple ankle fracture care. 80 patients with triple ankle fracture received and treated in Huaian Second People’s Hospital of Jiangsu Province from January 2023 to December 2024 were selected as the study object, divided into the control group (routine nursing interventions) and the experimental group (psychological care, functional training, and rehabilitation guidance), and the nursing effectiveness produced by different nursing programs were compared against each other. All 80 patients were followed up for (12.80 ± 4.11) months (5~18 months) The score of AOFAS was (68.00±4.06) in the control group and (82.50±3.17) in the experimental group; after the implementation of different nursing programs, the experimental group was significantly better than the control group in terms of active leg lifting and ankle range of motion (P<0.01). At the same time, the experimental group was also significantly better than the control group in improving the physical and mental health and quality of life of patients (P<0.05).The application of nursing care and rehabilitation guidance in the clinical care process of patients with triple ankle fracture can significantly improve the physical ability of patients and enhance their quality of life, which is worthy of wide dissemination.
Keywords: Nursing care, Triple ankle fracture, rehabilitation guidance