Hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus L. (Sweet) was found to be a highly susceptible host to field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yuncker) (=FD). Microscopic examinations revealed that FD used certain anatomical mechanisms to establish successful parasitism on its host (hyacinth bean). One of the these mechanisms was the transformation of its epidermal cells into secretory trichomes which secreted a cementing material to connect the two partners (the host and the parasite) together, and consequently triggered a second mechanism, i.e. the development of the endophyte from the haustorial meristematic cells. The endophyte penetrated hyacinth bean stem and proceeded across different tissues and connected to its vascular tissues through searching hyphae. The connection of the searching hyphae to the vascular tissues of hyacinth bean enabled the parasite to withdraw water, minerals and organic compounds from both xylem and phloem tissues of the host. It was found that FD haustorium didn’t encounter any resistance during its intrusion into hyacinth bean tissues thus, the latter could be considered as a highly compatible host to FD.
Keywords: Endophyte, Field Dodder, Haustorium, Hyacinth Bean, Parasitism, Searching hyphae.