The Impact of Yoga on the Relaxation Process as an Effort to Minimize the Anxiety Level (Published)
Anxiety in pregnant women is not addressed, so much research done to find a safe way to reduce anxiety include exercise during pregnancy, social support, and yoga. This study aims to analyze the impact of yoga on relaxation process as an effort to minimize the anxiety level of Pregnant Women Bidan Mandiri Clinic, Medan. This research is quantitative using quasi experimental method without control group with One Group Pre Test-Post Test Design approach. The design uses only one sample group that is observed twice, answering the questionnaire before the experiment is called pre test and answering the questionnaire after the experiment is called the post test with a total sample of 30 people. The results of the study is the implementation of pregnant women’s yoga with the highest percentage, as many as 17 people (56.67%) regular category. Implementation of yoga with the category often, as many as 10 people (33.33%) and the implementation of yoga with irregular categories as much as 3 people (10.00%). Furthermore, the distribution of pregnant woman’s anxiety level with low category were 21 people (70,00%), pregnant mother’s level of moderate category was 6 people (20%) and high maternal anxiety level of 3 people (10.00%) . Distribution of the Impact of Yoga on Relaxation Process with low level of pregnant women, 21 people (100,00%) are known pregnant women with Regular Yoga Implementation, 13 people (61,90%), pregnant mother with Frequent Yoga Activity 6 people (28.57%), and pregnant women with Implementation of Irregular Yoga, as many as 2 people (9.52%). Distribution of Impact of Yoga on Relaxation Process with Anxiety Level of Pregnant Women in moderate category, as many as 6 people (100,00%) are known pregnant women with Regular Yoga Implementation, as many as 2 people (33,33%), pregnant mother with Implementation of Yoga Often, 3 people (50.00%), and pregnant women with Implementation of Irregular Yoga, as many as 1 person (16.67%). While the distribution of Yoga Impact on Relief Procedure with High Level of Anxiety pregnant women as much as 3 people (100,00%) known pregnant women with Regular Yoga Implementation, as many as 2 people (66,67%), pregnant mother with Implementation Yoga Often, 1 (33.33%), and no pregnant women with irregular Yoga Implementation where statistical test results (chi-square test) obtained p = 0,000 (p> 0,05). The value of coefficients partially is as follows: The value oft count Yoga Impact variable is 9.339 and t table value of 1.669 then the value of t count> t table (9,339 <1,669) with the provision of sig <0,05 (0,000 <0,05), so it can be concluded that the impact of Yoga partially significant effect on the Relaxation Process as an Effort to Minimize Anxiety Level of pregnant women in midwife field independent clinics that is equal to 9,339