European Journal of Biology and Medical Science Research (EJBMSR)

EA Journals


The Potential Hindrance of Sars-Cov2 Spike Proteins, Prions Misfolded Proteins and other Infected Proteineous Molecule Incorporating Toxic Genomes of Pathogenic Microbes from Gaining Access into the Human Body Cells. Through the Use of a New Biomimetic Nanoparticle Coated Cell Membrane (Published)

This research study paper advocates for a new bio-mimetic nano coated cell membrane, to help in fighting infections and other related diseases in the human body system. As pathogenic microbes, (bacteria, fungi, viruses etc.) have carefully studied and mastered how to trick and evade body immune defense protein and antibodies in the human body system, by generating special protein organelles or manipulating protein molecules to delude the human immune system in other to gain access into the human body cells. Every living organism is composed of four basic components, namely (DNA or RNA or both, proteins, Cells and Cell membrane). This paper reviews these four basic components in their respective sub headings. Also, this article advocates for the use of nanoparticles to create the new cell membrane. The reasons for suggesting nanoparticles is because nanomaterials are dynamic, easily manipulated, and have proofed to be a very effective tool in modern medicine. The research focused more on viruses, as it is the most implicated amongst microbes. The human existence is undergoing significant challenges because of the outcome of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. Therefore, this research work gives a brief detailed study of the infectious process of coronavirus, and how it uses its spike proteins to bind and infect the human cells. Special attention should be given to the conceptual frame work of this research paper as it holds the potential key on how to hinder viruses especially SARS-COV2. The conceptual framework of this research argues and explains why we need to introduce a new bio-mimetic cell membrane, the limitations of the normal cell membrane in the body, and how this new cell membrane will overcome these shortcomings or limitations and provide a more robust working efficiency, the functions and working mechanism of the new cell membrane, which is impenetrable to viruses and other pathogenic microbes. The theoretical framework of this article is composed of two different theories. The first reviews  the cytokine storm theory and the second reviews the fluid mosaic model and the functions of cell membrane in the body.  The Related empirical Research study reviews the existing work related with the use of nanoparticles in fighting the SARS-CoV-2 CORONAVIRUS, in addition x-raying the progress in    creation of new cells and cell membrane by modern research scientist. Finally, the article highlights potential research recommendations and research for further research study points.

Keywords: Cells, DNA, Microbes, Proteins, RNA, bio-mimetic, cell membrane, nanoparticles, pathogen, prion, semi-permeable, thymine, uracil, viruses