European Journal of Biology and Medical Science Research (EJBMSR)

EA Journals


Biological Viruses are Certainly Living-Things and Switching off Genomic Metabolism (Published)

Biological viruses had been concluded that they were nonliving-things whereas some scientists stated that they were transitional things between living-things and nonliving-things. Biological viruses are very tiny organisms with their diameters in nanometers level. They exist everywhere, such like in air, soil, plant and animal body. Biological viruses consist of a protein shell that is referred to as capsid, and a genome made of DNA or RNA, which is tucked inside the capsid. Depending on the type of species, they may also have an envelope made of lipid membrane. Biological viruses possess the genome that performs transformative, reproductive, perpetuative, speciation, and evolution functions. Having these visible scientific truths in mind, biological viruses are certainly living-things. Biological viruses kill (switch off the genomic metabolism of) their target cells and then their genomic metabolism digests the internal contents of the dead/killed target cells into absorbable monomers so as to transform into viruses of their kind; by sequencing the monomers such as amino acids and nucleotides resulted from digestion of nutritive substances, in the form of viral biomass. In other words, after killing (switching off the genomic metabolism of) a target cell the transformation part involoves: (i) digesting the biological polymer molecules of the target cell into their absorbable monomers, and  (ii) sequencing the absorbable monomers resulted from digestion, in the form of viral polymers that is predetermined by the coded information/directives present in the genome of the virus which entered the target cell. The mechanism of these events is similar to the action of a team of lions which kill (switch off genomic metabolism of) a buffalo before eating the flesh of the killed buffalo in order to transform the flesh (biomass) of buffalo by the genomic metabolism of lions into lions (biomass of lions). The genomic metabolism of the eater organism also transforms the taste & strength of softness for digestibility as a type of flesh (biomass) into the characteristic taste & strength of softness of the eater/predator species’s  biological polymer molecules or flesh. The term genomic metabolism (metabolism of a genome) means a series of chemical reactions between the genome of a living-thing (i.e., of a species) and its nutritive substances in its compatible environment. An individual living-thing is said alive if and only if its genomic metabolism is going on. A dead, killed, or a body with switched off genomic metabolism is a living-thing in which metabolism of a genome has completely stopped and hence, it is not alive but dead/killed. What happens to the dead body of a living-thing is being digested or decomposed into absorbable monomers and or into inorganic compounds for the circulation of materials in the ecosystem. Switching off the genomic metabolism of a biological virus means killing that virus ; switching off the genomic metabolism of a cell means killing that cell; whereas switching off the genomic metabolism of a multicellular prey by a predator means killing that prey (eg., a buffalo is killed by a lion, or an impala is killed by a python). What follows after killing is: (i) digesting the internal polymers of the target cell (if the killer is a biological virus or a single-celled organism) into absorbable monomers and or into inorganic compounds, or (ii) ingesting, and digesting of polymers of the prey (if the killer is a  multicellular organism) into absorbable monomers and or into inorganic compounds for circulation of materials in the ecosystem. Genomic metabolism of a biological virus is capable of killing a single-celled organism directly and a multicellular organism indirectly. 

Keywords: Absorbable Monomers, Alive, Biological Viruses, Dead, Digestion, Genomic Metabolism, Switching off Genomic Metabolism