Ripe and unripe plantain was processed by frying, roasting and boiling. 30 human volunteers consumed individually 161g of different plantain diets prepared equivalent to 50g available carbohydrate or glucose after 10-12 hours over night fast. The venous blood samples were drawn at 30 minutes intervals for 2 hours after fasting blood glucose test. Using the glucose oxidase method, the blood glucose levels after feeding were determined. The areas under curve were calculated by trapezoid method. The glycemic index values for ripe plantain were found to be 56,54 and 55 for fried, boiled and roasted respectively while the glycemic indices for unripe plantain diets where 46, 44 and 46. For fried, boiled and roasted respectively. There were significant differences (P <0.05) in the glycemic indices of ripe and unripe plantain diets although both ripe and unripe plantain diets are within the low glycemic index range. Looking at the different processing methods the results of this study suggest that boiled unripe plantain has more promising control effect on blood glucose level and better glycemic control in carbohydrate related metabolic disorders than other processing methods.
Keywords: Blood glucose, Glycemic index, Plantain diets, Processing