Purchasing Archives - European Journal of Business and Innovation Research (EJBIR)

European Journal of Business and Innovation Research (EJBIR)

EA Journals


Relationship Between Digital Advertising and Consumer Purchasing Behaviour in Delta State, Nigeria (Published)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between digital advertising and consumers’ purchasing behaviour. Rationalized by the diffusion of innovation theory, a survey was conducted with 400 respondents to gather data on their exposure to digital advertising, their attitudes toward it, and their actual purchasing behaviour. To achieve the research objectives, two hypotheses were formulated and tested to examine the inter-relationships among the variables. The results showed that as consumer perception of digital advertising increases, so does the likelihood of them making a purchase. Also, the more positive their perception is, the more likely they are to be influenced by various factors that drive their purchasing decisions. However, the effectiveness of digital advertising varied depending on the relevanc, credibility of product or service being advertised, with some products benefiting more from digital advertising than others. Additionally, consumers’ attitudes towards digital advertising played a role in their purchasing behaviour, with those who had more positive attitudes being more likely to make a purchase. The study concludes that digital advertising can be an effective tool for marketers to influence consumers’ purchasing behaviour, but it is important to understand the nuances of how it affects different types of products, services and how consumers perceive them.

Keywords: Advertising, Behaviour, Consumer, Digital, Purchasing