European Journal of Business and Innovation Research (EJBIR)

EA Journals


Financial Literacy and Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Abuja, Nigeria (Published)

Many Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) failed because they lack financial knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and influence to be a successful entrepreneur, those that are successful are traced with insufficient business acuity, as well as basic accounting knowledge, undermines entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, this study examined financial literacy and performance of SMEs in Abuja, Nigeria. The study used survey method in achieving the objectives through the use of primary data collection. Questionnaire were administered to 550 respondents in all the six areas council of Abuja, Nigeria while 469 was usable and analysed for the study. The data analysis method used was multiple regression due to the nature of the data collected. The findings from the study revealed that respondents have adequate financial knowledge of their various businesses as such impact positively on their businesses in Abuja, Nigeria. Also, it was revealed that financial behavior of SMEs owners in Abuja had a positive significant impact on their businesses performance. However, financial attitudes of the business owners and operators in Abuja improves the performance of their businesses. It was revealed from the analysis of the study that the financial influence of the SMEs owners contributed at a low rate to the performance of their businesses in Abuja. The study concluded that financially literacy of SMEs owners in Abuja contributed positively to the growth of their businesses. The study recommended that government agencies along with micro finance institutions and deposit money banks should organize financial education programmes that will create more awareness and growth on areas that are lacking in financial literacy.

Keywords: Abuja, Businesses., Economy, Financial literacy, Performance

A study of Creativity, Innovation and Performance of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria (Published)

The study examined the relationship between creativity, innovation, and performance of the hospitality and tourism industry in Ibadan, Oyo State. Lack of imagination and innovativeness in the hotel and tourism sectors in Oyo State is one of the reasons why the state is failing to establish itself as a worldwide player in the hospitality and tourism industries. The study specifically examined the influence of organizational support on performance of hospitality and tourism industry; ascertained the influence of new customer-firm interface on performance of hospitality and tourism industry. Works on creativity, innovation and performance of the hospitality and tourism industry in Ibadan, were reviewed. Descriptive research design was employed as the research methodology. Taro Yamane sample size formula was used to determine the sample size of 89 out of 481 study population. The findings revealed that the adjusted R square is 68.2%, which is a higher rate which supports the hypotheses, as it says that 68.2% the dependent variable was accounted for. F test result is also within the acceptance region which is higher than 10 points. The β is within the acceptance region which is higher than the generally accepted region of 0.020 with hypothesis two having a stronger beta than hypothesis one meaning that customer-firm interface has a very significant relationship to performance of the tourism and hospitality sector. Therefore, the study recommends that an increase attention should be paid by both researchers and practitioners to the question of how hotels might become more innovative.

Keywords: Creativity, Innovation, Performance, hospitality and tourism industry

Effect of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance: A Survey of Selected Public Sector Organizations in Enugu (Published)

Employee performance is significantly impacted by organizational culture because it helps employees match their goals with the organization’s overarching objectives. This helps ensure that public organizations uphold their obligation to provide end users with necessary services. This study’s main goal is to explore the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance. It does this by employing both descriptive and exploratory research designs using both primary and secondary instruments to collect data. 100 employees of the Enugu State Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, the Enugu State Civil Service Commission, the Enugu State Economic Planning Commission, and the Office of the Head of Service completed a structured questionnaire that served as the primary data source. While secondary data came from government papers, textbooks, the internet, and journal publications. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (IBM SPSS) was used to analyze the collected data and evaluate the hypotheses. The analysis’s findings indicate that organizational norms have a significant impact on employee commitment within an organization in terms of professional growth and development, recognition and rewards for good performance, clear communication of the organization’s goals and values, and a positive work environment. Additionally, a well-structured work routine has a significant impact on how much work is completed by employees by improving productivity, time management, and work quality. The study makes the urgent recommendation that the Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) under review establish and uphold strong organizational norms that encourage employee commitment with a particular focus on professional growth and development, recognition and reward for good performance, clear communication of organizational goals and values, and a positive work environment that fosters performance. It’s important for leaders to be aware of their preferred styles and to adapt them as necessary to create a positive and productive work environment. Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) should promote employee delivery on workload with a view to ensuring productivity, time management, and adaptability.

Keywords: Culture, Employee, Employee Commitment, Organization, Performance, employee delivery on workload

Factors Affecting Value Added Tax Collection Performance in West Shewa Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia (Published)

The aim of this study was to identify factors affecting the Value added tax collection performance in West Shewa Zone. The specific objective the study was to identify Tax payer’s related factors affecting VAT collection Performance, to identify Tax administration related factors affecting VAT collection performance and to evaluate Consumers related factors affecting VAT collection Performance and in selected areas. The study used mixed approach qualitative and quantitative research methods to collect and analyze both primary and secondary data. Secondary data were collected from reports and published articles. Regarding to primary data, it obtained from structured questionnaire that were collected from 166 VAT registrants samples and 124 were collected from revenues authority employees generated by using Yemane formula. These samples were selected by using stratified sampling techniques and 105 were collected questionnaires from consumers and 8 head department for interview was conducted. Descriptive statistics and econometric models through multiple linear regression models were used with the help of SPSS version 20 and STATAs version 14 statistical software. This study found Tax payers; Revenues Authority employees and consumers related factors affect the performance of value added tax collections in study areas.  The Results of the study showed that Tax knowledge, Tax registrants and introduction to technology were positively influenced Value added Tax collection performance whereas Tax Evasion and Tax non-compliance variables were negatively affected Value added Tax collection performance for tax payer and statistically significant. Whereas Technical staff competence, VAT audit, VAT assessment and VAT rate variables were positively influenced Value added Tax collection performance and political pressure variable negatively affected Value added Tax collection performance for Revenues Authority employees variables and statistically significant.  This study recommends that the government and Revenues Authority should take corrective action on Tax payers who perform Tax noncompliance. Revenues Authority should fulfill adequate man power and registered VAT Tax payers who fulfill the criteria but not registered to increase VAT Collection performance. Also Revenues Authority must assess VAT and audit VAT on time to increase VAT collection and eliminate tax noncompliance.

Citation:  Negasa K.A. (2022) Factors Affecting Value Added Tax Collection Performance in West Shewa Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia, European Journal of Business and Innovation Research, Vol.10, No.8, pp.,39-81

Keywords: Employees, Performance, Value Added Tax, revenue authority, tax payers

Intellectual Capital Performance of non-finance firms in Nigeria (Published)

The study investigates intellectual capital performance in Nigeria drawing samples from listed non-finance firms on the floor of the Nigerian Exchange Group market. While performance proxied by return on asset is the dependent variable, the independent variables adopted for this study includes structural capital efficiency, capital employed efficiency, human capital efficiency and value-added intellectual capital coefficient. Furthermore, in line with related extant literature, we employed the variable of leverage to control our model. The econometric techniques adopted in this study are the panel fixed and Random effect regression techniques. The empirical result of this study leads to the conclusion that out of the four independent variables adopted in this study, only the variable of human capital efficiency insignificantly affect performance of listed non-finance firms in Nigeria. However, we conclude that structural capital efficiency, capital employed efficiency and value-added intellectual coefficient significantly improve firm performance. On the bases of these findings, we recommend that managers should place great emphasis on structural capital. They need to invest more in its human capital instruments through continuous learning and training. We recommend that managers should provide more towards proper training of employees and ensure that the right persons are selected for the job.

Citation: Aluwong Dogara Blessed  (2022) Intellectual Capital Performance of non-finance firms in Nigeria, European Journal of Business and Innovation Research, Vol.10, No.1, pp. 1-17


Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Nigeria, Performance, non-finance firms

Entrepreneurial Competencies: A Required Skill for Business Performance (Published)

The competitive nature of our business environment requires innovativeness and creativity to achieve performance. Being innovative and creative is important but being competent is very vital for any business growth. These can be achieved through training, learning new skills, attitudes, personal relationships, being initiative, information seeking and the rest to achieve entrepreneurial objectives. The paper therefore examines the competencies required for entrepreneurial performance, as influenced by personal traits and leadership skills. The paper adopted a theoretical approach and reviewed the relevant literature as a basis for the examination of entrepreneurial competencies and performance. Finding shows that engaging in entrepreneurial core competencies, personal traits and learners skills are positively related to business success. Engaging in managerial role, entrepreneurs require organizing and relationship competencies which are positively related to business success. The study recommended that government should be devoted to allocating resources for training and education. Entrepreneurs should desire entrepreneurship training and be more proactive. The study concluded that though entrepreneurial competencies are learnable through entrepreneurial training programmes and education they also serve as yardstick for formulating appropriate strategies and which when implemented enhance the attainment of business goals.

Keywords: Business, Entrepreneurial Competencies, Performance, Skill

The Role of Cooperative Model as Moderation on Effect of Corporate Governance on Performance (Published)

The research objective analyzes the effect of corporate governance, entrepreneurship, and the culture of innovation on the performance that is moderated by the cooperative business model. The object of research in the small business (SMEs) in the Kenjeran tourist area of Surabaya in Indonesia. The research samples, of sixty-three  SME respondents from four types of businesses. Primary data were analyzed using structural equation modeling – partial least squares (SEM–PLS) software. The results showed that the cooperative business model strengthens the effect of entrepreneurship and a culture of innovation on performance. The effect of corporate governance is not directly on performance but through entrepreneurship. While the culture of innovation does not directly affect the performance of SMEs.

Keywords: Cooperation, Corporate Governance, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Performance

Performance Evaluation of Chinese Companies across Various Sectors in Bangladesh Business and Built Environment (Published)

Bangladesh is a country with about 168million people with a GDP growth of 6.5% 2004. This is due to its market-based economy which is the 43rd largest in the world in nominal terms, and 30th largest by purchasing power parity. With its geographical location, economic and population fundamentals, it has attract foreign direct investment (FDI) allowing it full participation in regional and continental development partnerships with its neighbors especially China. China viewed Bangladesh as a crucial and vital partner to its regional development plans especially to its land locked western region. These led to Chinese companies entering the Bangladesh economic sectors to invest and execute projects. However, these Chinese companies must take (or have taken) into cognizance the labour laws, the available & the level of human capacity, the business terrain, the cultural ramifications of the Bangladesh workforce, also the priorities and dynamic government policies. These will influence the performances and overall success of collaborations across various sectors. The study evaluated the performances of Chinese Companies across Various of Bangladesh. It also provides a summary of the main findings in line with the research problem and the research aim. The literature reviewed led to identification of the twelve sectors. The evaluations and assessment show that the performance of Chinese companies across the twelve sectors varies accordingly and that they have a very good performance across eight sectors and satisfactorily / fair across four sectors. These performances are influenced by the levels of collaborations of Bangladeshi people, government and country towards the Chinese companies across various sectors. Altogether, and over some time will lead to better understanding of each other’s work habit, culture, barriers and differences that may will boost the performances of the Chinese companies in future collaborations.

Keywords: Bangladesh, Business, China, Collaborations, Development, Human Resources, Performance, Sectors

Impact of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) On the Performance of Deposit Money Banks (DMBS) In Abuja (Published)

This study examines the impact of Customer Relationship Management on the performance of Deposit Money Banks in Abuja. The study investigates how CRM variables such as customer attraction, customer satisfaction and customer retention impact on the performance of Deposit Money Banks. The study adopted a survey research method where data was collected using questionnaires administered to both employees and customers of the ten randomly selected DMBs in Abuja made up of the 341 Population of the study. Taro Yamane Sample Size formula was used to determine the sample size (184). Out of the 184 copies of questionnaires that were distributed, 175 representing 95.1 % response rate were retrieved and used for analysis. As part of the method of data analysis, Pearson Correlation and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) was used to test the formulated hypotheses in line with the objectives of the study. The major finding reveals that, “there is significant relationship between Customer Relationship Management and performance of Deposit Money Banks in Abuja”. It was recommended that Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria’s North-Central sub-region should improve on Customers’ attraction activities in order to achieve deeper market penetration which will help in attracting more customers to strengthen their competitive positions. The study concluded that DMB’s should adopt CRM since it contributes significantly to their performance.


Keywords: Customer Attraction, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Satisfaction, Customer retention, Deposit Money Banks, Performance

Studying the Effect of Leadership Styles on the Business Performance of SMES in South-Eastern Region (Published)

This study aims to explore the effect of leadership styles on the business performance of SMEs in South-Eastern region. The research result is a science evident for managers to improve the business performance. The researcher surveyed 250 managers of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and answered 12 questions but 212 samples processed. The primary sources of data collected from July 2017 to November 2018 in South-Eastern region. Simple random sampling technique. The Data analyzed Cronbach’s Alpha and the exploratory factor analysis (EFA), which used for multiple linear regression and using partial least squares method. Managers’ responses measured through an adapted questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale. In addition, the findings of the study have two factors affecting the business performance of SMEs in South-Eastern region with significance level 0.05.

Keywords: BRVT., Business, Leadership, Performance, SMEs

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