European Journal of Business and Innovation Research (EJBIR)

EA Journals

automobiles owners

The Impact of the Rising Costs of Gasoline on Automobiles Owners in Saudi Arabia (Published)

This research objective is to study the behavior of people and cars users to determine the changing trends and behaviors of customers caused by the new revised prices of oil derivatives and gasoline that was supported by the Saudi Arabian government for a very long period. A survey sample of 361 users was collected randomly within the 2 major cities on the western region of Saudi Arabia; Makkah and Jeddah through survey monkey using structured questionnaire. Data were gathered, analyzed with suitable statistics and later on interpreted accordingly.  It was found that more than 35% survey participant are not changing their cars driving habits, regardless of the rising cost of gasoline – on the other hand, the taken sample certainly showed a reasonable interest towards the consideration of using economy cars- perhaps, electrical/hybrid cars market has a big near future as a potential market.  It is also significant to mention that this paper may be beneficial in revealing another field of studies especially for cars companies to know the purchasing power of local consumers.


Keywords: Saudi Arabia, automobiles owners, gasoline, rising costs

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