European Journal of Business and Innovation Research (EJBIR)

EA Journals


Aesthetics and Product Advertising of Manufacturing Firms in South-East, Nigeria (Published)

This paper explores the profound influence of aesthetics in product advertising. Aesthetic appeal plays a pivotal role in capturing consumer attention, fostering emotional connections, and shaping brand perceptions. Through an interdisciplinary examination of psychology, marketing, and design principles, this paper delves into the mechanisms through which aesthetics impact consumer behavior and purchase decisions. By analyzing case studies and empirical research, it elucidates the significance of visual and sensory elements in advertising campaigns. Additionally, the paper discusses the ethical considerations and challenges associated with leveraging aesthetics in advertising practices. Ultimately, it underscores the critical role of aesthetics in creating compelling narratives and enhancing brand engagement in the competitive marketplace. We, therefore, recommended the following: The management of manufacturing firms / advertisers should allocate resources to enhance the visual appeal of advertisements, ensuring that they are aesthetically pleasing and attention-grabbing,: incorporate storytelling techniques that evoke emotions and resonate with the target audience,  leveraging the power of narrative to create meaningful connections, and establish a consistent aesthetic style across advertising campaigns to reinforce brand identity and enhance brand recognition, among others.

Keywords: Advertising, Aesthetics, Product, product advertising

Relationship Between Digital Advertising and Consumer Purchasing Behaviour in Delta State, Nigeria (Published)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between digital advertising and consumers’ purchasing behaviour. Rationalized by the diffusion of innovation theory, a survey was conducted with 400 respondents to gather data on their exposure to digital advertising, their attitudes toward it, and their actual purchasing behaviour. To achieve the research objectives, two hypotheses were formulated and tested to examine the inter-relationships among the variables. The results showed that as consumer perception of digital advertising increases, so does the likelihood of them making a purchase. Also, the more positive their perception is, the more likely they are to be influenced by various factors that drive their purchasing decisions. However, the effectiveness of digital advertising varied depending on the relevanc, credibility of product or service being advertised, with some products benefiting more from digital advertising than others. Additionally, consumers’ attitudes towards digital advertising played a role in their purchasing behaviour, with those who had more positive attitudes being more likely to make a purchase. The study concludes that digital advertising can be an effective tool for marketers to influence consumers’ purchasing behaviour, but it is important to understand the nuances of how it affects different types of products, services and how consumers perceive them.

Keywords: Advertising, Behaviour, Consumer, Digital, Purchasing

Understanding the Nexus Between Advertising and Purchase Intention of Cryptocurrency Among Young Adults in Nigeria (Published)

This paper examines the respondent’s purchase intentions appropriate to the advertising variables.  It therefore sum ups the consequences and impacts related to respondent’s choice of advertising variables and purchase intentions of cryptocurrency. The unexplored market potential of cryptocurrency might be due to ineffective use of advertising to facilitate purchase intention. Interestingly, scanty empirical investigation could be found on the topic of advertising and purchasing intentions of cryptocurrency among developing economies of the world. Accordingly, the need for the research presented here is evident. The main purpose of the study is investigating the effects of advertising on purchase intention of cryptocurrency among young adult in Awka, Nigeria. This necessitated conducting a research for the evaluation of current advertising practices to check their effect on consumer purchase intentions. Data were collected from the sample of 138 individuals selected randomly. Presented questionnaire was used to collect data. Data analysis and interpretations was done through regression model and descriptive statistics. To check the impact of advertising, the advertising related variables were used which includes awareness, interest, desire, action of advertising on the dependent variable of consumer’s purchase intentions of crypto currency. The results declared most advertising related variables have significant impact on purchase intentions.

Citation: Anthony Obiajulu Osagwu and  Ekwunife Gabriel Okafor (2022)  Understanding the Nexus Between Advertising and Purchase Intention of Cryptocurrency Among Young Adults in Nigeria, European Journal of Business and Innovation Research, Vol.10, No.6, pp.,34-70

Keywords: : Emerging Economies, Advertising, Nigeria, Purchase Intention, Young Adults, crypto currency

A Critical Analysis of Promotional Mix Element and Organizational Performance in Champion Brewery Plc, Uyo. (Published)

Marketing mix element enabled the company to plan and execute pricing, promotion and distribution of products, services and ideas. Therefore, this study explores the use of promotional mix element (advertising, personal selling and sales promotion) to determine the relationship with organizational performance. The study was guided by three objective, research question and hypothesis. The descriptive survey research design was adopted and the population of the study comprised 330 employees in Champion Breweries Plc, Uyo in Nigeria and a sample size of 181 were drawn using Taro Yamane Formula. The instrument used in data collection was questionnaire with both closed and open ended questions. The instrument was validated by experts and reliability of the instruments was established using Cronbach Alpha and result yielded reliability coefficient of 0.84. Data obtained were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and the result revealed a significant relationship of promotional mix element such as Personal selling,, advertising and sales promotion on organizational performance. This therefore means that Personal selling, advertising and sales promotion are the promotional mix element that can enhance organizational performance. it is recommended that management periodically evaluates the contribution of sales promotion relative to other promotional tools and that organizations should use personal selling to promote their products since it has a greater influence on sales.


Citation: Uforo Akpan Ekanem (2021) A Critical Analysis of Promotional Mix Element and Organizational Performance in Champion Brewery Plc, Uyo, European Journal of Business and Innovation Research, Vol.9, No.4, pp. 11-23


Keywords: Advertising, Marketing Mix, Sales Promotion., personal selling organizational performance.

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