Strategic management researchers reckon that the combination of the biology and genetics reality with the management science, could provide effective steps in improving and developing organizations; hence, the initiative paradigm shift of organisational DNA metaphor. This study embarks on an in-depth review of both the organisational DNA concept and the DNA knowledge frontier – firstly, to assess whether the organisational DNA metaphor and academic discussions are warranted; secondly, if advanced DNA knowledge could be integrated into the organisational DNA concept for the betterment of operations management; and if so, thirdly, provide a spectrum of organisational DNA model. The review of DNA knowledge frontier reveals that the genome (DNA) has two components – the “coding DNA” (or Genes) and “non-coding DNA”. Their integration into organisational concept has enabled to establish an analogy: The “coding DNA” (or Genes) that contains the instructions needed for an organism to grow and survive, – translates into unique organizational traits (“structure, decision rights, motivators, and information”); The “non-coding DNA” that controls genes activity (“transcription, and hence, translation, or can switch genes on and off”) and ensures correct chromosomes bundling, which is vital for cell survival, – translates into renewal and innovation without which an organisation survival is compromised. The study proposes a spectrum of organisational DNA model and establishes a pivotal point for re-alignment between internal and external environments.
Keywords: Metaphor, Organisational DNA, and innovation., renewal