European Journal of Business and Innovation Research (EJBIR)

EA Journals

Conflict Management and Employee’s Motivation Among Frontline Staff in Abuja Hotels


The hospitality industry heavily relies on frontline staff in hotels to provide exceptional service to guests. However, these employees often encounter conflicts stemming from guest interactions, team dynamics, and organizational policies. Effective conflict management is crucial for maintaining service quality and employee satisfaction. Therefore, understanding the factors that motivate frontline staff is essential for organizational success. This study aims to investigate the relationship between conflict resolution strategies and employee motivation among frontline staff in Abuja hotels. The methodology involves adopting and designing a structured survey questionnaire to collect data from diverse frontline employees in three selected Hotels in Abuja. The study will explore their conflict experiences, preferred resolution strategies, and motivational factors. By analysing the data, the study hopes to identify dominant conflict management approaches and understand what motivates these employees. Potential findings may reveal correlations between conflict management styles and service quality. Based on these insights, the research anticipates recommending tailored training programs, recognition initiatives, and policy adjustments to enhance conflict resolution practices and boost employee motivation. Ultimately, improving conflict management and motivation can lead to better service quality and increased guest loyalty in Abuja hotels. Further research will be needed to expand on the study findings.


Keywords: Abuja Nigeria., Employee Motivation, Employee Satisfaction, conflict management, emotional exhaustion, frontline employees

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Impact Factor: 7.79
Print ISSN: 2053-4019
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