A Critical Analysis of Promotional Mix Element and Organizational Performance in Champion Brewery Plc, Uyo. - European Journal of Business and Innovation Research (EJBIR)

European Journal of Business and Innovation Research (EJBIR)

EA Journals

A Critical Analysis of Promotional Mix Element and Organizational Performance in Champion Brewery Plc, Uyo.

Uforo Akpan Ekanem


Marketing mix element enabled the company to plan and execute pricing, promotion and distribution of products, services and ideas. Therefore, this study explores the use of promotional mix element (advertising, personal selling and sales promotion) to determine the relationship with organizational performance. The study was guided by three objective, research question and hypothesis. The descriptive survey research design was adopted and the population of the study comprised 330 employees in Champion Breweries Plc, Uyo in Nigeria and a sample size of 181 were drawn using Taro Yamane Formula. The instrument used in data collection was questionnaire with both closed and open ended questions. The instrument was validated by experts and reliability of the instruments was established using Cronbach Alpha and result yielded reliability coefficient of 0.84. Data obtained were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and the result revealed a significant relationship of promotional mix element such as Personal selling,, advertising and sales promotion on organizational performance. This therefore means that Personal selling, advertising and sales promotion are the promotional mix element that can enhance organizational performance. it is recommended that management periodically evaluates the contribution of sales promotion relative to other promotional tools and that organizations should use personal selling to promote their products since it has a greater influence on sales.


Citation: Uforo Akpan Ekanem (2021) A Critical Analysis of Promotional Mix Element and Organizational Performance in Champion Brewery Plc, Uyo, European Journal of Business and Innovation Research, Vol.9, No.4, pp. 11-23


Keywords: Advertising, Marketing Mix, Sales Promotion., personal selling organizational performance.

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Email ID: editor.ejbir@ea-journals.org
Impact Factor: 7.79
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Online ISSN: 2053-4027
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37745/ejbir.2013

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