European Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Research (EJAFR)

EA Journals

Characterization Classification and Management of Some Soils in Ujam District of Makurdi, Benue State.


An intensive soil survey was carried out in Ujam District the two sites chosen were designated: (1) Tse-Tswam and (11) Tse-Ordam.  The aims were to characterize, classify and proffer management practices for the soils. At each site, three profiles pits were sunk and morphologically described. Samples collected from identified genetic horizons were subjected to analyses using standard analytical procedures. The soil profiles ranged from deep (118cm) to very deep (200cm); well to imperfectly drained; epipedons’ colour varied from very dark brown (7.5YR 2/3)/brownish black (7.5 YR 3/1) due to melanisation; subsoils dull reddish brown (5YR4/4) to rediomophism and brownish gray (10 YR 5/1), imprint of gleization; Mottles on the subsoils may be attributed to drainage impedance; sandy loam or loamy sand surfaces with clay to sandy clay loam subsoils; weak fine crumb to moderate/ strong fine-coarse subangular blocky structures. The soils had medium to high sand (41.20-83.00%), very low to medium clay (06.02.58- 43.25%) and low silt (10.65-16.96%) fractions; medium bulk density (1.19-1.38gmcm-3) and porosity (48.68-56.60%). Soil reaction was slightly acid (5.67-6.50); low organic carbon (1.05-0.30%), nitrogen (0.03-0.18%), Available phosphorus (3.00-10.10%) and EC (0.10-0.13dms-1). CEC was very low (6.34-9.10cmolkg-1) likewise CaCO3 (0.00-2.00%); medium to high base saturation (48.80-91.90%). All soil units (1-V1) possessed argillic horizons with base saturations that were ≤50%(NH4OAc at pH 7) and were classified into Alfisols at soil order level; units 1, 1V and V further qualified into Eutric Haplustalfs (Eutric luvisols/Lixisols Clayiec,kandic), 11 and V1 into Kandic Haplustalfs (Eutric luvisols/Lixisols Clayiec,kandic) while units 111 and V were placed into (Vertic Epiaqualfs (Eutric luvisols/Lixisols Clayiec,kandic) at subgroup. Organic/mineral fertilizers will improve soil fertility, structure and water retention of the soils.

Keywords: Base saturation, Characterization, Classification, Management, argillic, fertilizers, haplustalfs, soil profiles, vertic epiaqualfs

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