European Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Research (EJAFR)

EA Journals

Leuceana leucocephala

Growth Response of Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) A. Juss. Seedlings to Different Compost Materials (Published)

With the continuous use of land over time, the nutrients in the soil tend to depletion, therefore, there is the need to supplement the nutrients in the soil to increase its productivity. Addition of organic matter to increase soil productivity is a good soil management practice because it enhances the soil fertility through the modification of soil physical, chemical and biological properties. An experiment was carried out at the green house of the department of sustainable forest management to study the growth response of Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) A. Juss. Seedlings to different compost materials. Four different organic materials (Leuceana leucocephala, kitchen waste, household waste and pond sediment) were composted separately and used as soil amendment for K. senegalensis seedlings, these were compared with seedlings without soil amendment (control). The effects of soil amendments on seedling growth were clear and noticeable as there were significant differences (P≤0.05) between seedlings with soil amendments and those without soil amendment.

Keywords: Leuceana leucocephala, compost, kitchen waste, pond sediment, soil amendment