In South Africa particularly Free State Province, most of the soils have a high concentration of Aluminum which adversely affect wheat growth and ultimately yield. This study was conducted to evaluate eighteen dryland wheat cultivars for Aluminum tolerance. Factorial design with four levels of lime regime (0, 1.6, 3.3 and 4.1 ton ha-1) was employed in three localities of Bethlehem, Ficksburg and Betania situated in the Free State province. Analysis of Variance was performed with data generated from these localities. A highly significant difference (P<0.05) was obtained among wheat cultivars for yield, hectoliter mass, protein content and falling number. Different liming rates, localities and interaction of cultivar and localities showed a highly differences for yield, hectolitre mass, protein content and falling number. No significant difference was found in the interaction of cultivar and liming rate, and cultivar interaction with liming rate and localities. Gariep, Limpopo and Elands out-yielded other wheat cultivars in grain yield, hectolitre mass, protein content and falling number and can be selected to be grown under Al stressed environment. Ficksburg locality showed a good performance in all parameters studied, followed by Bethlehem and lastly Betania with very low performance.
Keywords: Aluminum tolerance, South Africa., liming rates, wheat cultivars