European Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Research (EJAAFR)

EA Journals

ethical values

Relationship Between Ethical Values and Financial Sustainability of the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret (Published)

The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret’s financial sustainability and its ethical values. The study specifically aimed to address the following research questions: how the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret’s financial sustainability is affected by ethical values? The study was grounded using Stewardship theory. Using correlational research design, the study targeted 1,663 respondents, out of which 322 were sampled a stratified random sampling technique.  Data was gathered using document analysis and questionnaires. Research hypothesis was tested using linear regression.  The findings of the study (R=0.765, R2=0.585, β1=.254, p<0.05). This implied that there a very strong significant relation between ethical values and financial sustainability. Further the study found out that 58.5% of variation in financial sustainability was as a result of ethical values embraced by the CDE. In addition, the study found out that for any unit change in ethical values the financial sustainability changes by 0.254. The study concluded that ethical values have a positive and significant relationship with financial sustainability. Based on the data, the study concluded that ethical values have a positive and substantial relationship with financial sustainability. The study recommends CDE should formulate and implement policies that create a strong value system in place. Ruther, CDE should have a plan to control, evaluate and monitor adherence to the set value standards by everyone. A system for reporting unethical behavior by employees and other stakeholders. Since this research only examined ethical values, it was suggested that other aspects of the internal control system be considered for subsequent investigations

Keywords: Financial Sustainability, Internal Control System, catholic diocese of Eldoret, ethical values

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