This study examined the relationship between corporate taxation and foreign direct investment in Nigeria from 1970-1980. The annual reports were sourced from the CBN statistical bulletin, NBS and World Bank which were analyzed using Descriptive Statistic, correlation and regression. The independent variable corporate taxation was measured using corporate tax rate (CTR) whilst dependent variable foreign direct investment was measured using FDI net inflow (% of GDP). GDP, exchange rate and inflation rate were used as control variables. The result showed negative significant relationship between CTR and FDI whilst exchange rate and FDI indicated negative insignificant relationship. However, GDP was positively insignificantly related with FDI whilst inflation had positive significant relationship with FDI. Based on the findings, the study recommended that there is need for the government to lo reduce corporate tax rate in order to attract FDI into the country.
Keywords: Corporate Taxation, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Nigeria