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Research Grants

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Criteria for Grants

The European Centre for Research Training and Development (ECRTD) Fund is a trust established to provide grants for researchers.

Projects awarded grants include

  • Research projects initiated by the scholar(s) with ethical committee approval.
  • Course fees where the course will lead to the development of new research findings.
  • Travel for the study of general practise in different cultures.

Applicants for grants may include costs towards

  • Statistical support.
  • Computer software.
  • Stationary and postage costs.
  • Necessary economical travel.
  • Conference fees where the outcome of a study supported by the fund is to be presented.

Applicants are required to write a proposal on the study or project and submit to researchteam@ea-journals.org

Subject areas

Business and Management
Humanities and Social Sciences
Engineering, Sciences and technology
Health and Food Sciences
Education and Research Methods
English Language and inter-continental Studies

Who can apply?

Scholars working in higher institutions and/ or in general practice, and have published at least four papers in European -American-Journals.

Keywords: Araneida, Artema Atlanta Walckenaer, Biological Studies, True Spider

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Recent Publications

APS Impact Factor: 6.80
Print ISSN: 2053-4043
Online ISSN: 2053-4051
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37745/bjms.2013

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