British Journal of Marketing Studies (BJMS)

EA Journals


Succession Planning and Sustainability of Family Businesses and in South-East, Nigeria (Published)

This study aimed at identifying the effect of succession planning and sustainability of family businesses and in south-east, Nigeria. The overall objective of this research was; to determine the effect of mentoring, financing decisions and job rotation of successors on sustainability of family businesses in south-east, Nigeria. This work was anchored on social exchange theory. A descriptive survey research design was used and the population was 1060. The sample size for the study was determined using borg and gall (1973) formula which was given as 203. Data collected through the questionnaire were described using descriptive statistics while Pearson product moment coefficient of correlation was employed to test the hypotheses. This study however, has shown that mentoring positively influences sustainability of family businesses in south-east, Nigeria with tcal (3.377) and ttab (2.35); finance decisions positively influence sustainability of family businesses in south-east, Nigeria with tcal (3.377) and ttab (2.35); job rotation positively influences sustainability of family businesses in south-east, Nigeria with tcal (3.377) and ttab (2.35). The study concluded that succession planning has a significant positive effect on sustainability of family businesses in south-east, Nigeria. Based on the findings, the study recommended that management of family businesses should develop mentorship program that will enable young successors to acquire necessary skills, knowledge, and capabilities needed to address leadership challenges, and cultivate the right ethical culture for family business sustainability.

Keywords: Nigeria, South-East, Sustainability, family businesses, succession planning

Determinants of Customer Attitude Towards Green Marketing (Published)

This is a conceptual paper that tries to bring out the relationship between marketing discipline, the natural environment and customers attitude. The notion of marketing is too vast therefore, the paper concentrated on the external dimensions of green marketing at strategic and tactical level aim to reach the consumers. Therefore, the ‘4ps’ traditional marketing mix variables use in an innovative manner will be used as the yardstick to measure the green marketing in this paper. Nigeria is still in its infant stage on the green concept. Nigeria ranked 100th scoring 54.76 out of 180 countries for overall environmental performance 1 which could be due to non-challenge attitude among Nigerian consumers and marketing professionals towards the environment. Therefore, this paper aim at proposing a research model that will determine customer attitude towards green marketing. Three probable factors were identified and propose in the research model that will determine the relative contributions of customers’ cognitive, conative and affective senses on their overall attitude towards the green marketing mix variables (green: products; price; promotion and place). Structured questionnaire is proposed to be sent to 524 lecturers and researchers of University of Maiduguri whom will be selected by stratified random sampling. Data will be collected online through monkey survey. Multiple regressions using SPSS will be employed to test the hypotheses postulated. It is expected that findings will provide empirical evidence on the influence and contributions of the attitude components as determinants of overall customer attitude towards green marketing which could provide informative insights on consumers’ propensity to consume which could provide basis for decision making for the policy makers, current and potential green marketers and consumers.

Keywords: Sustainability, green marketing; green product; green place; green price; green promotion; environmental attitude; eco-friendly