British Journal of Earth Sciences Research (BJESR)

EA Journals


Effects of Urea and Goat Organic Manure on Growth and Yield of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Under Rain Fed Sandy Soil of North Kordofan State, Sudan (Published)

This study was carried out at the premises of Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, demonstration farm, in Sheikan locality, North Kordofan state during two consecutive rainy seasons 2021- 2022, 2022-2023. The study was aimed at evaluating the effects of urea and goat organic manure fertilizers on growth and yield of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and some soil physical properties. The experiment consisted of four treatments (Control, 2 ton goat organic manure \ feddan, 2 ton goat organic manure / feddan + 40 kg urea / feddan and 2 ton goat organic manure / feddan + 80 kg urea / feddan). Treatments were laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications. Growth characters studied were (days to 50% flowering, plant height (cm),  number of leaf per plant and stem diameter (cm).Yield and yield attributes were straw dry yield (ton/ha), 1000 seeds weight (g), grain yield (ton/ha) and harvest Index%. Soil physical properties studied were (soil moisture content %, soil bulk density and soil porosity. Data were statistically analyzed using GEN STAT. Results showed that fertilizers significantly (P<0.05) increased sorghum plant growth, yield attributes and grain yield compared to the control in both seasons. Goat organic manure and urea fertilizer had significantly (P<0.05) decreased days to 50% flowering and increased plant height, straw dry yield (ton/ha), 1000 seeds weight (g), grain yield (ton/ha) and Harvest Index% for sorghum crop. While, there was no significant effect amongst treatments on number of leaf per plant and stem diameter (cm). The highest grain yield (2.6 ton/ha) was obtained when 2 ton goat organic manure \ feddan combined with 80 kg urea /feddan as compared with the control (1.7 ton/ha). The application of goat organic manure combined with urea fertilizer increased Soil moisture content, soil bulk density and soil porosity. It can be recommended to improve sorghum productivity and soil fertility in the marginal sandy rain fed soils of North Kordofan State and similar environments. 

Keywords: Goat organic manure, North kordofan, Sorghum, Urea, sandy soil

Analysis of Rainfall Trend and Its Relationship with Sorghum Yield in Sudan Savanna Region of Nigeria (Published)

This study analyzed rainfall trend and its relationship with sorghum yield in Sudan Savanna region of Nigeria by examining the trends of rainfall, crop yield and relate annual rainfall trend with length of the growing season. Rainfall data for 62 years (1956-2018) were obtained and subjected to statistical analysis. Pearson’s correlation was employed to test the relationship between rainfall and sorghum yield in the study area.  The result shows increase in annual rainfall in Bauchi, Gusau, Kano, and Yola polygons while there was a decrease in annual rainfall in Katsina, Potiskum and Sokoto polygons. In termsf trend, there was a relatively earlier rainfall onset dates in all the Thiessen polygons with exception of Bauchi and Yola area where rainfall onset date changes insignificantly toward early pattern. There was also a decline in rainfall cessation in Bauchi, Gusau, Kano, Katsina and Sokoto Thiessen polygons within the study period. The Pearson’s correlation indicates a significant relationship between annual rainfall and sorghum yield in the study area with an average P-value of 0.71 which indicates a strong and positive relationship. The study therefore recommends sensitization of sorghum farmers on the relationship between sorghum and rainfall and the need to adopt variety of sorghum that can endure drought as a way of reducing the possible crop loss due to rainfall variability since rainfall show high variability.

Keywords: Rainfall, Sorghum, Sudan savanna, trend, yield

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