British Journal of Earth Sciences Research (BJESR)

EA Journals


Estimating the Value and Benefits of Revenue Sharing Projects and Their Contribution to Community Development Around Nyungwe National Park (Published)

This study aimed at estimating the value and benefits of the projects that were funded by the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) through the revenue sharing program around Nyungwe National Park (NNP) for its conservation. To achieve the study objectives, a cross sectional research design was used, combined with a qualitative and quantitative approach. Primary data was collected from community members living around Nyungwe National Park, community leaders and RDB staff through questionnaires and interviews. Microsoft Excel was used for the data analysis. Results showed that the revenues contributed to community development through the construction of infrastructures that are used by communities around NNP. But, lack of regular monitoring has also resulted in the failure of some projects. We realized that the value of revenue sharing (RS) projects plus the value of ecosystem services from Nyungwe are a golden opportunity for local communities to have access to finance and improved livelihoods. We realized that through Revenue Sharing Program RwF 649,186,778 were invested in infrastructures around (NNP) since 2005. Looking at their impact value after one year, we realized that actual net profit provided by them is valued to RwF 66,789,571. The impact value in 20 years from those infrastructures was estimated to RwF 14,319,526,980. It is recommended that RDB increase the revenue sharing funding and include a special guarantee fund to support a framework for integrated biodiversity conservation and human well-being.

Keywords: Livelihoods, human security issues, indicators

A Review of the Flood Hazard and Risk Management in The South Iran Region, Particularly Konarak, Makoran in Balochestan (Published)

Flood preparedness involves building capacities that enable minimizing losses through effective response and recovery. While there are many preparedness assessments at household and community level, very few have been conducted at institutional level. This study assessed the households’ perspectives of the preparedness of civil protection institutions in Iran during the 2021 Balochestan flood disaster and identified the capacity building needs of the civil protection institutions. It used a 5-point Likert scale to measure six preparedness indicators: emergency plans, early warning systems, evacuation, resources, disaster knowledge, and relocation camp management. Data came from a cross-sectional survey involving 1456 household-heads who were randomly selected among the affected villagers of Konarak. The findings revealed various gaps in preparedness both at indicator and at variable level.While some indicators showed incipient levels of development in all their variables, others had a combination of low and developed variables. The preparedness elements that critically need immediate attention include the development of emergency plans, evacuation of populations at risk and the prepositioning of resources. However, it is pertinent to mention that civil protection Systems in Iran need to strengthen most of their preparedness elements. As such, this study recommends strengthening preparedness activities in civil protection systems.

Citation: Zainudini M.A. and Sardarzaei A.  (2023) A Review of the Flood Hazard and Risk Management in The South Iran Region, Particularly Konarak, Makoran in Balochestan, British Journal of Earth Sciences Research, 11,(1), 31-43

Keywords: Civil protection, Preparedness, Variables, flood disaster, indicators

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