British Journal of Earth Sciences Research (BJESR)

EA Journals


Sulphur Isotopic Studies of Barite Mineralization of The Gombe Hill, N. E Nigeria: Implication for Source and Formation Process (Published)

Sulphur isotopic study on barite (BaSO4) mineralizations, located on the Liji hill at Bicije on the outskirt of Gombe town, Gombe State, N.E Nigeria has shown that δ34S values of barite vary from +17.2 ‰ to +19.8 ‰. The data, have demonstrated that the hydrothermal fluid seems to have supplied the barium ions (Ba2+) while the sea water supplied the sulphate ions (SO42). These isotopic signatures suggest mixing of sea water sulphate with Ba-carrying crustal fluid for barite deposits, with its initial deposition linked to the detrital sediments of the Bima Formation (host rock).

Keywords: Displacement, barite, fluorite, microthermometry, sinistral, stable isotopes

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