British Journal of Earth Sciences Research (BJESR)

EA Journals


Wetland Change and its Implication on the Livelihoods of Coastal Community Dwellers in Apoi Creek of Bayelsa State (Published)

Wetland change is a process of altering the physical, ecological, and biological composition of a wetlands ecosystem through human activities. This paper aims to give researchers a thorough grasp of the extent of wetland change and its implication for Apoi Creek Coastal Community in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. A mixed method of geospatial and survey research design was used for the study. The study employed a random sampling method to select one hundred and sixty-eight dwellers living in communities situated within a 100-metre buffer zone surrounding Apoi Creek, utilizing a carefully structured questionnaire. The data shows significant changes in land use and land cover in Apoi Creek from 1992 to 2022. Decrease in water bodies significantly contributes to changes in wetland ecosystems in the study area. Human activities for survival such as farming, lumbering, fishing and others have significant effects on wetland change. To tackle these issues, various suggestions were put forward. These included safeguarding and revitalizing wetlands, advocating for sustainable land use methods, enacting conservation and management plans, and increasing public awareness about the detrimental effects on the natural environment.

Keywords: Change, Coastal, Implication, Livelihoods, wetlands

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