British Journal of Earth Sciences Research (BJESR)

EA Journals


Geology and Mineralisation in the Albian Sediments of the Benue Trough, Nigeria (Published)

The epigenetic lead-zinc-barite fluorite deposits of the Benue Trough are localized in N-S trending fractures developed within the lower Cretaceous Albian shales, limestone and arkosic sandstones. The mineralogy of the sulfide deposits consists mainly of sphalerite and galena, with minor chalcopyrite and marcasite, with quartz and siderite being the dominant gangue minerals. The ores of the Abakaliki-Isiagu deposits consist of massive sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, marcasite, siderite, calcite and quartz in descending abundance. Fluorite, quartz and minor galena disseminations are the mineral assemblages of the Arufu-Akwana-Azara mineral district. Sulfide minerals, such as sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite are dominant in the Zurak-Wase deposits. The study revealed three stages of mineral deposition namely: the pre-sulfide stage, the sulfide stage and the post-sulfide stage.

Keywords: Brecciation, Lower Benue, Mineralisation, Paragenesis, Trough

Geology and Mineralisation in the Albian Sediments of the Benue Trough, Nigeria (Published)

The epigenetic lead-zinc-barite fluorite deposits of the Benue Trough are localized in N-S trending fractures developed within the lower Cretaceous Albian shales, limestone and arkosic sandstones. The mineralogy of the sulfide deposits consists mainly of sphalerite and galena, with minor chalcopyrite and marcasite, with quartz and siderite being the dominant gangue minerals. The ores of the Abakaliki-Isiagu deposits consist of massive sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, marcasite, siderite, calcite and quartz in descending abundance. Fluorite, quartz and minor galena disseminations are the mineral assemblages of the Arufu-Akwana-Azara mineral district. Sulfide minerals, such as sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite are dominant in the Zurak-Wase deposits. The study revealed three stages of mineral deposition namely: the pre-sulfide stage, the sulfide stage and the post-sulfide stage.

Keywords: Brecciation, Lower Benue, Mineralisation, Paragenesis, Trough