Microbial Succession of Hydrocarbon Impacted Sites in a Rural Community in South-South, Nigeria (Published)
Hydrocarbon pollution has greatly altered the normal microbial flora of our environments, this has lead to the succession of oil degrading microbes in oil impacted sites. This study is a comparative study of the microbial flora of hydrocarbon impacted and the non-impacted site in Ogale community in Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers State. A total of 12 samples were collected, 6 from oil impacted site and 6 from non-impacted site. Sample were coded A –F. Physicochemical parameter of soil was determine, microbiological examination were conducted to determine the bacterial and fungal communities present at each site. Result shows that higher population of oil degrading microorganisms were found on the hydrocarbon impacted site, prominent among them were Micrococcus ,Acinetobacter ,Corynebacterium , Bacilus, Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium ,Actinomycetes, fungi isolated from impacted sites includes Candida , Rhizopus mucor and Aspergilus while the non-impacted site has ; streptococcus, staphylococcus, E.coli, and Actinomycetes species. There were also fungal isolate of which only Candida was the only isolate.
Keywords: Nigeria, comparative, hydrocarbon, impacted sites, microbiota
Strategies for the Maintenance Management of Hostel Buildings in Nigeria (Published)
A directive was given in 2004 by the Federal Ministry of Education that federally-owned tertiary institutions should hands off hostel management. Consequent on the directive, Nigerian tertiary institutions now have both institutional and non-institutional hostels serving tertiary institutions. This no doubt has a lot of implications on the nature of management and maintenance of hostels in Nigeria.This paper assessed maintenance management strategies adopted in the maintenance of hostel buildings in Nigeria and formulated guidelines for the maintenance of the hostels using the field data collected from the Federal Polytechnic Oko for the case-study. In order to achieve the objective of the study, opinions of hostellers, school management, maintenance heads and private developers were sampled through structured questionnaires. The data collected were quantitatively analysed and the result of the analysis indicated the following as the problems of maintenance; non-availability of funds, indiscipline and lack of functional operational frame work and regulatory body, climatic conditions, lack of good maintenance culture, lack of skilled maintenance personnel, use of foreign building materials and unethical behaviours as some of the key factors responsible for poor maintenance work and management of hostels in tertiary institutions. Effective strategies that should include a stipulated guide overseen by a body of professionals to enforce maintenance in hostels to avoid complacency, the adoption of a maintenance manual to be strictly monitored and the use of a computerised management system that will ensure proper maintenance records were recommended.
Keywords: Maintenance Management, Nigeria, Strategies., Tertiary Institutions, computerised maintenance management system, hostel buildings
Assessment of Facilities in the Male Hostels of University Environments in Nigeria (Published)
The number of students seeking and getting admission into universities increases every year, and this has led to the failure of the original design of university hostels. Furthermore, student hostels in Nigeria have not received the desired attention from the government and management of institutions; there have been reported cases of students taking ill in hostels as a result of poor sanitary conditions. Thus, these have led to the study of university male hostels with the aim of assessing their facilities, in order to generate guidelines to improve the design, quality and worth of university hostels in Nigeria. To achieve this, primary and secondary research data were collected. The primary research data were from questionnaires administered to 100 students who are residents of the university hostel and direct observations of facilities in the university hostels. The secondary data were reviews of relevant literature from journals, books and other academic materials. Tables and photographs were used to present the research data. Among the findings of the research are: adequate storage facilities are not provided in the hostel bed rooms, and this has made the students to keep their properties indiscriminately; poor maintenance of hostel facilities is a challenge faced by the students. Among the recommended guidelines are: adequate storage facilities should be provided in the hostel bed rooms in the universities at the design stages to stop the students from keeping their properties indiscriminately; the university hostel facilities should be well maintained.
Keywords: Nigeria, Students, Universities, facilities, hostels
Batch Studies for the Investigation of the Adsorption of Lead onto Bentonite and Soil of Owerri, Nigeria. (Published)
Variability in lead adsorption by soil and bentonite was analyzed and results indicated that adsorption of lead increased as volume of Pb2+ solution increased. At 25ml adsorption capacity of bentonite and soil were 2494.19mg/kg and 2372.89mg/kg respectively. Maximum adsorption was observed at 100ml of Pb2+ in both soil and bentonite which were 9031.75mg/kg and 9935.75mg/kg respectively. At all volumes of Pb2+ solution, a significant positive correlation at (p≤0.05 and p≤0.01) probability levels were observed between clay, pH, CEC and organic matter content and adsorption capacity in soil and bentonite. While sand and silt content correlated negatively. Clay, sand, pH, CEC and organic matter content, were indicated to be the vital properties controlling adsorption in soil and bentonite. Bentonite and soil adsorption data were analyzed with both freudlich and langmiur adsorption isotherm, freudlich isotherm showed a better fitting of the adsorption data in both soil and bentonite with correlation factor (R2>0.9).
Keywords: Adsorption of Lead, Batch Studies, Bentonite, Nigeria, Sand, Silt Content
Solid Waste Management Trends in Nigeria (Published)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the current trends in solid waste management in Nigeria and to identify the major challenges inhibiting the attainment of sustainability in solid waste management in the country. The study relied on a desktop and descriptive approach; hence, data were obtained mainly from previous publications relevant to the current study, particularly from peer reviewed publications. Sources such as waste management agencies webpages and documents, journal articles, environmental organizations reports and books were used to obtained data. These data were then analysed using a descriptive approach. It was found that solid waste management is a major concern in the country. Inadequate environmental policies and legislation, low level of environmental awareness, poor funding and inappropriate technology, corruption and unplanned development were some of the challenges facing solid waste management in the country. As a result, the paper concludes that for waste management to work, various aspects of Government services such as engineering, urban planning, Geography, economics, public health and law among others must be brought together under a proper policy to deliver an effective waste management system.
Keywords: Environmental Awareness, Nigeria, Port Harcourt, Solid waste management, policies
Sources of Funds Available To Private Investors for Housing Development In Nigeria (Published)
Housing has been universally recognized as one of the most essential necessities of humans and is a major economic asset in every nation. Adequate housing provides the foundation for stable communities and social inclusion. There is a significant association between housing conditions and physical and mental health of an individual. People’s right to shelter is thus a basic one and the provision of decent housing to all requiring it should be the hallmark of every civilized society and one of the criteria for assessing the extent of a nation’s development. However, the provision of adequate housing in Nigeria and other developing nations alike still remains one of the most intractable challenges facing the nations. Previous attempts by all stakeholders, including government agencies, planners and developers to provide necessary recipe for solving the housing problem have yielded little or no success. Fund, a basic ingredient for housing development, has to be made easily accessible to investors in housing development if the problem of housing delivery is to be tackled at the root. This paper therefore exposes the various sources of funds available to private housing developers which can be harnessed to enhance housing supply in Nigeria.
Keywords: Housing Fund, Housing Supply, Mortgage, National Development, Nigeria
Influence of Automobile Commercial Activities on Nnewi Urban Development, Nnewi North L.G.A, Anambra State. (Published)
This research work was based on the growth and impacts of emerged Automobile Commercial activities in Nnewi urban development. The research methods data collection were well structured questionnaires, oral interview and observation by the researcher. The data presentation was done using tables, pie chart and bar charts .Chi-square statistical technique was adopted in the analysis of the data. The study revealed that emerged Automobile commercial activities has a lot of impacts on Nnewi urban development. It was discovered development of Nnewi started with the establishment it. The urbanization of Nnewi as a result commercial and industrial activities has led to urbanization in Nnewi problems .This urbanization problems such increase in crime and insecurity, lack of infrastructures also affect the growth of economic activities in Nnewi .Based on the findings the researcher recommended that insecurity issues should be tackled, provision of infrastructures and proper urban planning should be done in Nnewi
Keywords: Automobile, Commercial Activities, Infrastructures, Nigeria, Nnewi, Urban Development, Urbanization
Analysis of Heavy Metal Contamination by Artisanal Refining Plants in the Niger Delta Region, Southern Nigeria (Published)
Artisanal refining Plants are common features of the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. The effects of heavy metal contamination on soil by non-conventional refining plants were investigated and analyzed using standard methods. Two soil samples were collected at 18 m intervals between Plants A and B and at 24 m intervals between Plant B and C. Then control sample was collected 2 km away from unimpacted soil. The result of the analysis showed that polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) recorded maximum concentration of 6899.4942 ppm at station C at the depth of 0-15 cm. Furthermore, the concentration of heavy metals investigated are below critical levels as proposed by FEPA (1991) and NCC(1991).
Keywords: Artisanal Plants, Heavy Metal, Hydrocarbon Contaminated, Niger-Delta, Nigeria
The Effect of Slum on Property Values in Asaba Metropolis of Delta State (Published)
jUrban degradation is caused principally by urbanization process, however, most of the environmental problems in Asaba metropolis suburbs result largely from its unplanned land uses, swampy nature of built areas and weak development control. Other critical problems that bother minds also include lack of open space, poor management of flood channels and substandard housing. This paper discuses the possible intervention strategies in the regeneration effort of Asaba slum area. The research method which is both narrative and statistically descriptive in nature enables the author engage in a detailed literature study of the chronological development of Asaba metropolis with view to determining how the city came about the current level of degenerating infrastructural facilities. The study found that the principle of cooperative leadership by government at all levels is fundamental to making important difference in qualitative development controls of the study area. It however concluded that the duo role of the public and traditional power structure of the community leaders must be involved in the conception and implementation of Delta State environmental planning programmes.
Keywords: Development Control, Effects of Slum, Environmental Problem, Nigeria, Property Value
Effects of the Land Use Act of 1978 on Rural Land Development in Nigeria: A Case Study of Nnobi. (Published)
This study is concerned with the effects of Land Use Act on rural land development in Nigeria with reference to Nnobi as a rural area. Obviously, the law was enacted barley 30 years ago but seems to be a recent innovation to many Nigerians especially in rural areas. The Act conflicts so much with the traditional land proprietary structure in the Southern Nigeria in particular which was predominantly owned by communities. It introduced more controversies and fear from most Nigeria than any previous Act. The importance to the profession of Estate Management of such a radical piece of legislation as the Land Use Act cannot be over emphasized. It is true that laws are for the judiciary to make and interpret, but laws and policies affecting land are also matters in which profession Estate surveyors and valuers as experts on land matters ought to take the front row in offering the benefit of his expertise. Questionnaire and interview methods were mainly used. The purposive sampling technique was used and One hundred twenty (120) respondents. Personal observation was also used to complement the information gathered. The result shows that people especially those living in rural areas are mostly not aware of the Act let alone its provisions on rural land as an avenue for rural land development. This wide ignorant of the Act, by the people has completely retarded the pace of development in our rural areas as well as the socio-economic conditions of the people. After examining the effects of the Act on rural land development in the area concerned and other allied issues, recommendations were made based on the findings for efficient and effective implementation of the Act in rural areas cum rural Lands of Nigeria and if strictly adhered to will go a long way to achieving overall objectives for which the Act was enacted.
Keywords: Estate Management, Land, Nigeria, Rural Land Development