British Journal of Environmental Sciences (BJES)

EA Journals


Empirical Investigation into the Street Trading Invasion in Housing Zones of the Third World Countries. The Case of Metropolitan Lagos (Published)

The street trading activities have not only existed but continue to increase in housing zones of many under developed countries. This study investigates the invasion of the venture in the housing zones of metropolitan Lagos. The research uses survey research design. Data were collected through the instruments of personal observation and administration of structured and semi-structured questionnaires. For sampling, multi-stage sampling and disproportionate sampling techniques. One thousand, three hundred and forty-five questionnaires were administered on street traders in fifty-two administrative wards in the sixteen local government areas of the metropolitan Lagos. Nine hundred ad seventy-three (over 70%) of administered questionnaires were retrieved and found suitable and acceptable for analysis. Data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistical instruments for the interpretations and discussions of results. The result from the application of Logistic regression analysis on issues responsible for the invasion of street trading shows beta value associated with running of quick service as positive (p = 0.000) among others. This recommends the probability of increasing street trading activities at the 13.463 Wald value, implies greatest contribution to the variability of street trading activities. This implies a strong will to provide quick service in the neighborhood facilitates the probability of invasion of street trading ventures by a factor of 1. 884.The paper understood the existence of street trading activities in housing zone is in accord with the contemporary trend in planning and concludes with recommendation that housing zones should be restructured to reflect this new trend


Keywords: Invasion, Investigation, Street trading, developing countries, housing zone

Empirical Investigation into The Street Trading Invasion in Housing Zones of the Third World Countries. The Case of Metropolitan Lagos (Published)

The street trading activities have not only existed but continue to increase in housing zones of many under developed countries. This study investigates the invasion of the venture in the housing zones of metropolitan Lagos. The research uses survey research design. Data were collected through the instruments of personal observation and administration of structured and semi-structured questionnaires. For sampling, multi-stage sampling and disproportionate sampling techniques. One thousand, three hundred and forty-five questionnaires were administered on street traders in fifty-two administrative wards in the sixteen local government areas of the metropolitan Lagos. Nine hundred ad seventy-three (over 70%) of administered questionnaires were retrieved and found suitable and acceptable for analysis. Data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistical instruments for the interpretations and discussions of results. The result from the application of Logistic regression analysis on issues responsible for the invasion of street trading shows beta value associated with running of quick service as positive (p = 0.000) among others. This recommends the probability of increasing street trading activities at the 13.463 Wald value, implies greatest contribution to the variability of street trading activities. This implies a strong will to provide quick service in the neighborhood facilitates the probability of invasion of street trading ventures by a factor of 1. 884.The paper understood the existence of street trading activities in housing zone is in accord with the contemporary trend in planning and concludes with recommendation that housing zones should be restructured to reflect this new trend


Keywords: Invasion, Investigation, Street trading, developing countries, housing zone

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