British Journal of English Linguistics (BJEL)

EA Journals


The Function of Discourse Analysis in Improving Medicine Students’ Listening Comprehension: Cognitive Psychology Perspective in ESP Field (Published)

This paper is an attempt to investigate the function of discourse analysis in improving medicine students’ listening comprehension by a group of students doing their Bachelor of Science in Medicine at Tabuk University in Saudi Arabia. It investigates the function of discourse as a way of comprehending difficult skills to learn and practice effective listening. The result of the research provided some helpful recommendations for ESP teachers by discussing the theoretical and practical bases of Discourse Analysis (DA) in teaching listening comprehension. The sample of the study included 80 Saudis in their 1st Year. The research recommends that educationists and decision-makers be concerned with developing and designing listening materials relevant to the function of Discourse Analysis in teaching listening comprehension for medicine or ESP students.

Citation: Alamri H.A. (2023) The Function of Discourse Analysis in Improving Medicine Students’ Listening Comprehension: Cognitive Psychology Perspective in ESP Field, British Journal of English Linguistics, Vol.11, Issue 1, pp.12-26

Keywords: Discourse Analysis, ESP, Listening Comprehension, Medicine

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