British Journal of English Linguistics (BJEL)

EA Journals

conflict management

The Conflict Management Strategies used in Conflicts between Teachers and Students: A case study, Kotebe Metropolitan University, Department of English in Focus (Published)

The aim of this study is to investigate the sources of conflict between students and teachers, how they are managed, and their effect on students and thus gain insight about student-teacher conflicts at Kotebe Metropolitan University, Faculty of Languages and Humanities, Department of English Language and Literature. The study is a qualitative one and has been carried out with the method of case study. The method of criterion sampling which is one of the methods of purposeful sampling is used in the qualitative study tradition. Participatory observation technique and semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. The study has shown that the main reasons for the conflict between teachers and their students were the existence of poor and insufficient communication between the parties involved, and teacher dominance in such interactions. It has also shown that inappropriate conflict solving strategies negatively affect the students’ psychology, social behavior as well as their academic success. It is absolutely necessary to manage the teacher student conflict correctly in order to create a positive school climate and to conduct the education process effectively.

Keywords: Conflict, Student, Teacher, conflict management, reason for conflict

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